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advice from cc owners

rated by 0 users
Fri, Dec 12 2014 6:49 PM (5 replies)
  • roofer58
    443 Posts
    Fri, Dec 12 2014 4:02 PM

    i have active members in my cc, some have been with me from the start. problem is they were not sociable from the start. new members were not welcomed to the club. and weren't returning my i put rules in place.3 of 11 read and agreed to them. the rest of the members are still not returning my messages, there all good players. my question is should i push the button---- gone?

  • jb6000
    1,231 Posts
    Fri, Dec 12 2014 4:21 PM

    Your only a Pro, I'd be less worried about my CC and put more thought to moving up the ranks...

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Fri, Dec 12 2014 4:21 PM

    Certainly not sociable members, you don't mention whether they participate in CC tourneys?

    A CC or Private Golf Club is a place RL golfers join, pay there dues and do as they please.

    It , I believe is upto you as the owner to set down guidelines

    What direction do you, as the owner want your CC to follow ?

    Final answer, I'm afraid is on your shoulders



  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Fri, Dec 12 2014 4:27 PM

    Have you played with them, to find out why ?

  • Raelenerose
    2,966 Posts
    Fri, Dec 12 2014 5:36 PM

    i have similar issues...i like to have new members add me as a friend (easier to send messages as oppossed to posting on their walls.) Communication is a big thing in a CC (IMO) if members don't visit the cc forum to keep up to date the with the club events or if theyre not recieving club emails it makes it impossible to communicate.

    As a rule if members dont play at least 1 cc tournament a week ,dont accept repeated game invites or dont   add me as a friend (i give them at least 2months) theyr released from the cc.

    I see no point in being in a CC if members are not going to participate.


  • roofer58
    443 Posts
    Fri, Dec 12 2014 6:49 PM

    tried to but computer all of  a sudden crashes .  thats what im told