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Tue, Dec 16 2014 9:33 AM (26 replies)
  • rrascal
    5 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 2:23 AM

    o . . . . . . .<|


  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 1:22 PM


    I'm pretty sure the game isn't programmed in autocode and run on the mark1.

    just sayin...

  • alosso
    21,093 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 1:46 PM

    I know this game is free for the most part.

    What else do you know NOT?

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 1:51 PM

    This entire game boils down to the ability to click the last move at the precise moment.

    As opposed to RL where only robots do it the same every time?

    Why don't you look at some new technology that allows the player to preselect every step - how much swing and exactly where to click

    Would you like some one to kick it in the hole for you too.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 1:52 PM

    Why don't you look at some new technology that allows the player to preselect every step - how much swing and exactly where to click (left, center, right).

    Probably because that's not how real life golfers do it. 

    And while we are on the subject, it would be helpful if my image on the fairway actually faced precisely where I was about to shoot.

    In the Game Settings there is an option for this under the Advanced tab.

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 1:54 PM

    Oooooo dangerous to be critical of the almighty one rrascal, i foresee a calamity or two may befall you on the water holes. WGT are watching you lol

  • TopShelf2010
    10,975 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 1:55 PM


  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 2:06 PM

    It is a video game that allows for the player to make their own decisions or mistakes as necessary.  The fun part is in using all of your knowledge, talent, and some degree of luck to represent a game of golf.

    Granted it is not perfect, but it is the closest thing i have found to play on the internet to a real round of golf.

    I do not know what you expected when you joined, but you seem to be very dis-satisfied.

    Time for you to leave now, and let those of us who prefer a challege to keep on, keeping on!  MY NICKLE!

  • JZeman17
    258 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 3:44 PM


    It is a video game that allows for the player to make their own decisions or mistakes as necessary.  The fun part is in using all of your knowledge, talent, and some degree of luck to represent a game of golf.

    Granted it is not perfect, but it is the closest thing i have found to play on the internet to a real round of golf.

    I do not know what you expected when you joined, but you seem to be very dis-satisfied.

    Time for you to leave now, and let those of us who prefer a challege to keep on, keeping on!  MY NICKLE!

    +1 +1 What he ^^^^^^^^^ said!!!


  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 4:36 PM


    I have been a computer programmer for 31 years; albeit not computer graphics related. I can tell you that your computer operations are at least 20 years old and just as pathetic as they were then.

    This entire game boils down to the ability to click the last move at the precise moment. Why don't you look at some new technology that allows the player to preselect every step - how much swing and exactly where to click (left, center, right). And while we are on the subject, it would be helpful if my image on the fairway actually faced precisely where I was about to shoot.

    I know this game is free for the most part. But that is a pathetic excuse to present your most inferior program capabilities.

    Two ranked rounds since September and still a beginner. I can see your qualified to make statements like these. First learn how to play the game.