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CC clash....

rated by 0 users
Wed, Dec 17 2014 4:16 AM (45 replies)
  • DavesUp
    16 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 10:56 AM

    How do you actually get into your CC clash?...When I get the message my CC is in a clash I just used my pass and played in a tournament thinking it went toward the clash. But after reading the FAQ's it says you need to enter the clash through your CC. I can't find the events in there.. Am I missing something ...How do you enter?

    Thanks for any help...


  • WGTyphoon
    597 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 11:13 AM

    Hello. When the event is live you go into game. There will be a timer available on the Country Club icon if there is a clash happening or it will say searching for opponent. If there is a timer simply click on the icon and follow the instructions in game.


  • johhnnie99
    101 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 12:00 PM

    Hi , i have a problem with a clash round on bethpage  , as you can clearly see i never received any points for this round ,, i will point out that i got booted out of the round before i finished the first hole .


    Can you explain what has happened here .


  • johhnnie99
    101 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 12:43 PM

    Sorry wrong place , Please move this if needed .

  • jeep2000
    4 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 1:08 PM


  • 100plus
    801 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 1:40 PM

    You are not alone,done to me twice in a row so another screw up by WGT

    Also I would like my credits for purchased passes to be put back in my account with interest for wasting my time


  • 100plus
    801 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 1:40 PM

    You are not alone,done to me twice in a row so another screw up by WGT

    Also I would like my credits for purchased passes to be put back in my account with interest for wasting my time


  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 1:49 PM


  • BarelyHuman
    53 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 1:53 PM

    That makes a bunch of us.... also is not clear that the Superpasses are for the whole Club and weekend...not individual. Use them up and you're done.

    Give me my pass credits back...and why no points?

    My CC leader just bought a pass, scored points, so I tried again...birdied #10, no points....saved the game (don't know what for).

    74 credit reimbursment please....this is frustrating for me, my Captain, and the CC.

    and by the don't 'SAVE and QUIT' in Clash mode.

  • AlaskanDame
    19,835 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 2:37 PM

    LOL,  the club I am in (Friendly Active Players Club), which is sitting this out by consensus (although some of our newer members apparently are having a good time) just got matched against the 1st place team --- No Quitters Here Please.  We are in 114th place (because so few clubs are participating).  Our <4000 points vs. their >18,000 points.

    I hope Ibis/Unique (currently 2nd place) gets the same consideration from wgt about giving them a club like us to win against (if they are still wanting to participate).  Easy 600 points plus best player, too, probably.

    Another glitch . . . . 
