alosso:A good apology and compensation would be to refund all CC passes purchased and used during the duration of the event. For WGT, an unexpensive courtesy to their paying customers as the credits involved don't have any monetary value (see T&Cs).
Absolutely agree.
Fair WGT? I wasn't going to support your debacle event BUT,, I DID. I thought, why not. Lets give WGT the benefit of the doubt and A LOT of doubt is / was going around. Well now, in all fairness seeing that the "Clash passes" rendered useless towards our clubs points and ultimately the deciding factor between a win or a lose I feel a FULL REFUND IS IN ORDER. As any stand-up company would do if a purchase is made and the customer finds fault in that purchase monies is refunded, no questions asked.
In this case there is A LOT of proof that points during the Clash were NOT added properly and in turn makes the entire event not fair, bogus, skewed, and technicality cheating out paying customers of monies they thought were going towards supporting their cc.
This was an out and out BOGUS EVENT and monies purchased to participate in this event HAVE TO BE REFUNDED ASAP. Any monies gained from this event is AGAINST THE LAW, PERIOD.
This was the icing on the cake. NOW I'M DONE. I will not sway any of our TECC members from playing in your future Clash events but as for myself, I am done.