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Mon, Dec 15 2014 3:09 AM (7 replies)
  • jeep2000
    4 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 1:13 PM


  • WGTyphoon
    597 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 5:15 PM

    Hello. CS is aware of this issue and I'm assisting them in looking into this matter. I apologize for the inconvenience.


  • bunkerplunker
    13 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 5:26 PM

    Hi WGT

    I also just paid and played a club clash and got no points.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 12:58 AM

    Hello. CS is aware of this issue and I'm assisting them in looking into this matter. I apologize for the inconvenience.


    Inconvenience? The company didn't render the services they were paid for, or more bluntly: The game cheated on the players!

    A good apology and compensation would be to refund all CC passes purchased and used during the duration of the event. For WGT, an unexpensive courtesy to their paying customers as the credits involved don't have any monetary value (see T&Cs).

  • clubwhack
    183 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 3:09 AM

    Passes are the easy way out since you cant get free ones until you use what you have. what about all the ultra boost bought for them and the clubs that were cheated out of winning a higher position in the challenge? is any of this going to be addressed? or is WGT going to screw everyone out of their money? Will ripping off clubs out of their win encourage them to play in WGT's next cash grab? NO it will not. Maybe they should award putters to the top 3 clubs this time as there is really no way to tell who would have won had points been counted.

     All I can say is WGT really dropped the ball on this one. if they were aware of this isse they should have canceled the clash until the problem was fixed. I know our club missed out on literally 1000s of points over this issue.

     Thanks for Nothing WGT

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 4:36 AM
    A good apology and compensation would be to refund all CC passes purchased and used during the duration of the event. For WGT, an unexpensive courtesy to their paying customers as the credits involved don't have any monetary value (see T&Cs).

    Absolutely agree.

    Fair WGT? I wasn't going to support your debacle event BUT,, I DID. I thought, why not. Lets give WGT the benefit of the doubt and A LOT of doubt is / was going around. Well now, in all fairness seeing that the "Clash passes" rendered useless towards our clubs points and ultimately the deciding factor between a win or a lose I feel a FULL REFUND IS IN ORDER. As any stand-up company would do if a purchase is made and the customer finds fault in that purchase monies is refunded, no questions asked.

    In this case there is A LOT of proof that points during the Clash were NOT  added properly and in turn makes the entire event not fair, bogus, skewed, and technicality cheating out paying customers of monies they thought were going towards supporting their cc.

    This was an out and out BOGUS EVENT and monies purchased to participate in this event  HAVE TO BE REFUNDED ASAP. Any monies gained from this event is AGAINST THE LAW, PERIOD.

    This was the icing on the cake. NOW I'M DONE. I will not sway any of our TECC members from playing in your future Clash events but as for myself, I am done.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 4:51 AM


    A good apology and compensation would be to refund all CC passes purchased and used during the duration of the event.

    Uh - have WGT acted in advance?

    At 12:06 am I received the "winner's" mail containing 2 CC passes as announced.

    My account names a prize of 100 CC passes, next to 100 Speed Boosts, and my game window shows 50 passes. (I bought none)

    Whichever is correct (or not? LOL) I take it gratitiously!

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 7:35 AM


    At 12:06 am I received the "winner's" mail containing 2 CC passes as announced.

    My account names a prize of 100 CC passes, next to 100 Speed Boosts, and my game window shows 50 passes. (I bought none)

    Whichever is correct (or not? LOL) I take it gratitiously!


    I got 50 passes too. My account say`s 100X, same as the boost