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CountryClubClashes bad for your Countryclub?

rated by 0 users
Mon, Dec 15 2014 12:39 AM (2 replies)
  • JackDunno
    97 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 4:05 PM

    The primary function for a Countryclubpass is to earn your Clup experience points.

    Using a Countryclubpass in a Countryclubclash earns your Club in a 9hole-event half of the experience points it gets when you play a 9-hole-Tournament instead (and a quarter of what a 18 hole tournament would earn). If there is one day a CTTH-Clash this would be even worse by a factor of ten. The only additional XP for the Club can be earned with that small amount of superpasses available and by possibly won extrapasses after the event (which can only be taken into account if they are used up fast enough as new free passes are only available 12 hours after the last won pass is used)

    So by playing in a clash with a normal Pass I'm actually hampering the experience growth of my Club as I could put it to a more profitable use.

    In my opinion there are two things wgt could do to remedy the situation (in order to keep the fun of the clash without restraining the CountryClub's experience growth):

    1. Give more XP for Playing a clash (at least for the Club)

    2. Start the timer for the next available Pass as soon as a Pass is used and not after all passes are used up or create a timer independant third category (won pass) besides Pass and Superpass.

    Thanks for reading this thread and giving your own opinion on the topic.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 11:36 PM

    Immer mit der Ruhe!

    IMHO, the primary purpose of CC passes is to raise the company's revenue. CCs went well before their invention, with only minor amounts to pay to enlarge them.

    Now, many members are in a hype to support their CC by buying passes. IMHO, they are wasting their credits if they do so. Your CC is level 7, and there's hardly any benefit to come which would justify any purchase of CC passes. The better part of using the free passes is the CDP bonus, 880+ XPs per day. The only valuable outcome for players (for me) is the Putting Pal, and this comes early.

    Unfortunately, the hype is going through the roof with the Clash, a dance around the golden calf - ehm - putter. Again, raising revenue is the main purpose.  I'm afraid to say that your CC's experience growth has to stand back against it. Furtheron, there's not a single prize of any reasonable value.

    Most of these events have given major or minor reason to criticize:

    #1, where easy points could be earned outside the competition,

    #3, where a former promise to let the results on the panel wasn't kept,

    #4, where Nullnummern, "zero" results, are common. The company earns from the passes, to no avail for the CCs.

    The latter is the best synonym for the whole CC pass thingy.

    My 2 Pfennig

  • JackDunno
    97 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 12:39 AM


    Is it a bug or an alternative solution to earn extra-XP for my Club?

    Our Club has earned 3 Extrapasses/Player in the last Clash, but I suddenly have 50 of them and in my Account Transactionhistory it even says:

    12.15.14 150x Country Club Pass rewarded in Country Club Event Country Club Event Reward 0 Cr
    12.15.14 200x Ball Speed Boost Plus rewarded in Country Club Event Country Club Event Reward 0 C


    P.S.: A day later the additional passes were gone - so it was a bug that was remedied.