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Day 15...Christmas 2014

Fri, Dec 26 2014 4:26 AM (110 replies)
  • gee1120
    2 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 7:46 AM

    Yancy Claus,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     For christmas i could really use new iron set ping g25 level 59+ i been playing for long time and i really think it would help alot                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Merry Christmas :)

  • PistolPeete
    937 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 7:48 AM

    My new friends forgot the Big Bertha L89 3wood .....Maybe you have an extra lying around for me?

    Merry Christmas.

  • TjW11
    1,214 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 7:50 AM

    FYI All:

    I sent Santa's helper from Sunday, siggipj76 , a note asking for a new Nike putter. Thank you siggi.

    It does work, as I rec'd an email message this am with a new putter under my Xmas tree.

    AND will admit I was over whelmed by the spirit of Xmas giving.

    If you believe you will receive. Big ol smile.


  • shu1
    578 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 7:51 AM

    Dear Santa

    I have been a very bad golfer but not without trying cause they put me in that legend group and now I can't compete, could it be the equiptment? if not could you gift me talent!

    Thanks Santa we all love you


  • happygolf31
    8 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 8:03 AM

    Dear Santa,

    Please send me some goodies for Christmas. I've sent you several  letters the last few days but with no response. I guess you've been to busy. Anyway if I don't here from you Merry Christmas.

  • pdxpack
    75 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 8:04 AM

    I would love the Nike Method putter or at least a sleeve or two of nice balls. If neither of these tickle your fancy Mr.Yancy then at least enjoy your day as Santa and I wish you a Merry Christmas.

  • LGreen5
    50 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 8:11 AM

    Dear Yancy Claus,

    I would like to thank you for doing this, it takes an exceptional person to do this at this time I'd the year. You probably have other obligations of your own, as we all do.

    I would like it if you could find your way clear to grant my request for the Callaway Fairway wood (Big Bertha) at the 89+ level. I've been trying to reach the Master level. I'm a Tour Pro now; and I'm hoping this club will help me in that quest. I've improved on my game through constant play, but it seems that certain clubs and balls can help your game as well. 

    If the club is unobtainable, I would appreciate some new balls; the Tour Pro Max ones would be nice.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy and Prosperous New Year,


  • dwightlong
    1 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 8:14 AM

    Dear Yancy Claus 

    I would like to wish for xmas a nice set of Wedges and some good distance balls

    not much but a little sometime since I haven't got any credits and really can't afford to

    buy some.  But I love the game and just want to improve .


                                                                             Thank You for your kindness in helping others

    Your friend and fellow golfer                 Dwight Long

    4 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 8:17 AM

    Happy Holidays "Yancy Claus" and all of Alien Nation members,

         My Name is Bobby0Haertling, I have been a member of WGT since mid September and a member of The Trailer Park Boys. I've viewed most of your tutorial videos and got some great tips so for that I thank you. My Christmas wish is for a Notebook like those found in the pro shop. Thank you for your consideration of my request and have a Merry Chistmas & Happy New Year.

                                                                                                     Sincerely Bobby

  • a123688
    48 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 8:36 AM

    Hi Yancy Claus and the rest of WGTAACC!

    Merry Christmas and happy holidays and a big thanks to all the santas doing it this year!!! :)

    Hoping to improve my putting this coming year. If possible an Odyssey Versa #1 Black Putter L70+ would greatly be appreciated. Thanks for the consideration!

    Thanks again to all the gifting the Santas are doing this year!!