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Day 15...Christmas 2014

Fri, Dec 26 2014 4:26 AM (110 replies)
  • barakfriedman
    1 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 5:01 AM

    hello! :) happy xmas i would love to get a now wedge.. 

    MAX Spin 56° Wedge (L50+) 

    ty :)

  • twinponds169
    3,051 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 5:03 AM

    Hello Yancy Claus and the AACC, Happy Holidays to you! I have not had a chance to comment here on the WGT Boards yet, I am fairly new and my comments are needing moderation, I have discovered. My Day 13 wishes did not make it through the moderator until it was closed and my Day 14 copy is still not there :( so I will try again today, with copy from my original.

    ust discovered this game about 6 weeks ago and am totally addicted, being a diehard golfer and working on a course in upstate new york, i have some time on my hands now, lol. I've made it to L61 or so on the same starter set I was given. A month ago i was playing and had some sort of intense attack of some kind, wife rushed me to hospital, son was scared, pretty crappy stuff. Seemed like the world got turned inside out on it's axis or something. After a gazillion tests and doctors, the heart came back fine and I was thinking I could have virtigo. However, not that simple, an MRI on my brain revealed a herniated cerebellum that they say I was born with, for crying out loud. Now waiting for the neurologist to figure out my next step. ANYWAYS, with all the copays and all and Christmas coming with a 13 yr old son to make good for, I'm STUCK< STUCK< STUCK with playing with these starter clubs. Not looking for the best driver and/or putter on WGT, not necessary, but a step above what I have would be awesome and keep me going in this game I can't stop playing. I've been a bit shy about playing with/making friends with the better equipped players and want to participate more in that area.  I trudge through surveys for a half decent ball to play with but a decent driver or putter seems so far off. Awesome game, awesome people, awesome place to spend some idle winter time. Merry Christmas everyone!

  • nendoya
    6 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 5:17 AM

    Could I found Santa?

    standing in falling snow,watching over sky,like a child.

    wishing a Taylor Made Rocket ballz iron set or Ping G25 iron set ,


    Hello - My name is Yancy

    I volunteered for the responsibles of being the "WGT Santa Claus" during Mr.Caddie's annual community holiday event and I am. After a last minute SOS Yancy Claus may need some help with funding to the WGT Alien Ambassadors Country Club - our fine membership got right onboard and has helped fill my present bag up


    On behalf of The WGTAACC - Today I am "Yancy Claus"

    Post your Christmas wish here and whatnots.
    List ends at 12am PST USA 12/16/14.

    I am counting snow cells until then.


  • moose9724
    68 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 5:22 AM

    Dear Yancy Claus                                                                                                                          Christmas is the most happy time of the year. It is so nice that wgt and ALIEN AMBASSADORS have taken the time to grant christmas joy to players that love this game!   I have been a good boy this year gave up some bad habits an took up this                  So Yancy Claus all I want for Christmas is a long distance driver that is very forgiving or a full set of clubs I like PING .                                                                                                                                                               Thank you and God Bless merry christmas                                                                                                                       moose9724

  • polilea
    4 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 5:29 AM

    Oh Santa Hibryd 4 good Hibrid 4 play.......ty all



  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 5:34 AM


    Dear Yancy Claus,

    Just about to leave the house and take my wife to the hospital for surgery.  It's likely to take 3 to 4 hours, so I'll be playing some WGT in the waiting room.

    At the end of the day, my first wish is for my lovely and talented wife to be home safe after a successful operation.

    And, if you could also sneak a Odyssey Versa #1 Black Putter (L70+) under our tree, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Merry Christmas all!

    OM! Im sorry man but if my wife was going in for a 3 to 4 HOUR SURGERY (very serious) a WGT putter, actually WGT in general would be the very, VERY last thing on my mind. God Bless your wife and may she have a speedy recovery and a quick return home. 

    Marry Xmas and what-nots Yanc. Im edge.

  • francobaldini
    1,078 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 5:34 AM

    Ok Santa Claus ...... if the driver can not be enough for me liv 96 TaylorMade Ghost Spider putter Putter (L92 +) or a Wedge (even more than one) MAX Meter Wedge (L89 + L90 eL91) If you ask too much I'll settle for anything ..... Thanks to all franc

  • philhooper
    23 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 6:02 AM

    Dear Yancy Claus,

    All I want for Christmas is for you to post another You Tube video. I LOVE THEM. They are informative and entertaining. I have learned alot of tips from your videos and I thank you for sharing. This year has been up and down for our family. I live in Atlantic City NJ where 4 casinos have closed this year. Unfortunatly for me, I worked in 1 of those casinos . But luckily, my wife was able to find a job. We are making it ok and were able to get Christmas presents for the first time for our Family.  I hope you have a wonderful Holiday and I hope to see you on the links in 2015

  • iKev
    366 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 6:02 AM

    overtheedge (and I think I see how you got the name),

    They just took my wife back to surgery.  So, for the next three to four hours I will be sitting in a waiting room.  I'm horrible at waiting, and very high strung.  I also checked with the surgeon and it is highly unlikely I'll be called in during the procedure to assist.  He also assures me the arrival of a new virtual putter will not affect the outcome of the surgery. So, instead of bouncing off the walls with the pulse rate of a hummingbird, I had the wacky idea of hanging out online with some of my favorite people and try to keep my mind occupied with a few rounds of golf.  I discussed this with my wife, and she was happy I'd have something to do to pass the time.  I do appreciate your blessing and hope for successful surgery.  I'll be taking her home later today.

    Now, I'm going to go look for an alt shot game.  I'm iKev here on WGT in case anyone needs a fourth.

  • SpazBallBusters
    41 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 6:11 AM

    Morning there Yancy Claus

    THANKS SO MUCH for everything you do.  This is a great promotion; yep I found the forums and now I am hooked on coming and reading them all - (goal successful for WGT)

    Here is what I posted earlier: WITH an addition

    HI Santa....

    I've been VERY good this year - joined a Organization (Fraternal Order of Eagles) and all we do is help other people.  IF you've never heard of us; please check us out and get involved.  There are over 1500 Aeries (clubs) in North American.  Now I know why Santa Claus  spends all year long making gifts and then giving them to people.  Nothing better than the feeling of giving and doing for others.  It's very fulfilling.

    Unfortunately since I've spent so much time helping others in real life; my online golf gaming has suffered.

    Could you please send me a set of TaylorMade R11 Irons (Steel).  It'd sure help me get back on track and I'd be able to help out my clubhouse in competitions also.

    IN ADDITION I saw a post by someone in a situation like me (low income) TWINPONDS169.  (He posted a request on 12/13)  Poor guy is still playing with starter clubs; (I have moved up to Taylor Made Rocketbalz Tour Irons - Graphite)  Anyway, If you could get me my request; I'd be happy to send him MY current irons to help him out.  I believe in paying it forward and it's a win-win.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone here.  Remember the reason for the season.