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Fault in WGT's accounting

rated by 0 users
Sun, Dec 21 2014 1:33 AM (22 replies)
  • SilverKNite
    79 Posts
    Sat, Dec 20 2014 9:55 AM

    Wondering if North Korea hacked WGT as well - lol

  • minkadua
    29 Posts
    Sat, Dec 20 2014 1:07 PM


    Wondering if North Korea hacked WGT as well - lol

    hehehe lol 


  • minkadua
    29 Posts
    Sat, Dec 20 2014 1:08 PM


    Wondering if North Korea hacked WGT as well - lol

    hehehe lol 


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Dec 20 2014 2:06 PM

    @YJ: If the news arriving here about "robbery by charges" by your banks is true, do you consider these mole hills?

    Given the company's arrogant display concerning all the clash issues (and others)
    I won't exclude any nightmare from my phantasies.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Dec 20 2014 6:06 PM

    @YJ: If the news arriving here about "robbery by charges" by your banks is true, do you consider these mole hills?

    Have no clue what you're talking about but I do know the theories/thoughts you advanced about a simple glitch that was found and corrected by WGT have certainly made a mountain out of the issue. 

    Pick your battles, this one is a waste of time.

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Sat, Dec 20 2014 7:22 PM


    @YJ: If the news arriving here about "robbery by charges" by your banks is true, do you consider these mole hills?

    Have no clue what you're talking about but I do know the theories/thoughts you advanced about a simple glitch that was found and corrected by WGT have certainly made a mountain out of the issue. 

    Pick your battles, this one is a waste of time.

    Well that's just it.... There is no one big battle here - the place is riddled with so many issues that they're all small issues/battles but combined the equal a website/game/business that is utterly offensive in how it's operated, how biased and out and out discriminating in how they choose to deal with the very few things they do deal with - and the only things they do deal with are things which in some way hinder or take away even the slightest amount of revenue from them.

    Might be kinda of funny when people at GC start wondering just what the fu*k is going on here - wonder how they'll see having their name associated with a company who not only stands behind a player who violated their own rules and requirements for being eligible to compete in the VT, they actually paid him out his prize. A player who had been caught lying to WGT about where he played his round and also has installed on his computer software which is used specifically and is a known application for cheating in this game.

    Ya.. mole hills ....

    What I find amusing is the cheerleaders still keep on waving their pompoms. LOL

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Dec 20 2014 8:09 PM

    What I find amusing is the cheerleaders still keep on waving their pompoms. LOL

    Tell ya what there ded one. I have as much fun to this day here as I did when I signed up over 5 years ago. It's even better now that I can hang with the best.  It's all a choice. You can be God's gift to Flash based programming and fault every little thing you see OR you can take it for what it's worth and enjoy it.

    Obviously you want to be the naysayer and that's all you do. Knock yourself out, there's a crapload more fun lovers here than there are ded bunnies eating their own crap to survive.  :-)

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Sat, Dec 20 2014 8:40 PM


    What I find amusing is the cheerleaders still keep on waving their pompoms. LOL

    Tell ya what there ded one. I have as much fun to this day here as I did when I signed up over 5 years ago. It's even better now that I can hang with the best.  It's all a choice. You can be God's gift to Flash based programming and fault every little thing you see OR you can take it for what it's worth and enjoy it.

    Obviously you want to be the naysayer and that's all you do. Knock yourself out, there's a crapload more fun lovers here than there are ded bunnies eating their own crap to survive.  :-)

    Really fu*k face? You wanna get personal now?Don't recall mentioning you by name in any post here.... ..i.,

    That's rich coming from one of the biggest dickheaded fu*kin' brown-nosing WGT flag-waving idiots on here. Feel free to light your pompoms on fire and shove 'em straight up your ass. K? Good..

    Oh and have a safe and happy holiday.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Dec 20 2014 8:54 PM


    Really fu*k face? You wanna get personal now?Don't recall mentioning you by name in any post here.... ..i.,

    That's rich coming from one of the biggest dickheaded fu*kin' brown-nosing WGT flag-waving idiots on here. Feel free to light your pompoms on fire and shove 'em straight up your ass. K? Good..

    Quoted so you can't edit it out.  

    Always suspected there was a jerk behind the sick name. Now I know. Carry on with your ignorance while you can  :-)


    p.s., Quoting somebody generally means you're addressing them, dimwit. (Oops, almost pulled a dedbunny with the name calling.)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Dec 20 2014 11:13 PM


    Really fu*k face? You wanna get personal now?Don't recall mentioning you by name in any post here.... ..i.,

    That's rich coming from one of the biggest dickheaded fu*kin' brown-nosing WGT flag-waving idiots on here. Feel free to light your pompoms on fire and shove 'em straight up your ass. K? Good..

    Oh and have a safe and happy holiday.

    Gees man, tell us what you really think!

    One thing I will point out, Jim has been here for a long time and has been a huge help to many players including myself with his objective and knowledgeable posts.

    Whilst I agree with some of your posts Ded, you are often far from objective nor constructive.

    Yes WGT has problems, of which I too am vocal about, but I also try to be constructive as I, like Jim, still love this game.

    I am a golfer and have never considered myself a gamer, hence why I am less vocal about flaws and issues like VEM seem like an extension of the real game.

    If an alternative came along I would try it as I dislike the apparent greed of WGT.

    But name calling really shows a certain amount of immaturity. No need for it and it is quite pathetic, hiding behind a screen abusing others will never acheive anything.

    Respect is earned, Jim has done that as far as I am concerned.