While we all know that this game has some flaws and glitches, there are two parts which I considered faultless until now:
Average calculation, and accounting.
Yesterday, I have been proven wrong by the second, ?more important? one.
My CC became 164th in the Clash, and I received the prize notification at 12:06 am PST.
My account statement contains

A nod to the first one, Speed Boosts as usual.
Surprise to the second one, the announcement said, two passes, but who am I to question a gift?
Bad surprise in the game client,

only 50 passes indicated.
So, for the first time to my knowledge, the account statement is wrong!
This bothers me, since it shows that the numbers are unrelated, independent.
Now this is only a prize, but what will happen if they execute WGTadmin's announcement and call back those 100(?) passes? Will I be in pass debt? Will the company charge me for the passes missing?
And, how reliable will accounting be from now on? Will credit deposits always be booked correctly? Will a sleeve of balls be accounted as one sleeve, or how many?
WGTadmin stated (see link above):
We realize there have been some growing pains
with the Events but believe we are moving in the right direction [...]
I'm frightened how far they may go? Will our "growing pains" be "the right direction" for WGT?