Really fu*k face? You wanna get personal now?Don't recall mentioning you by name in any post here.... ..i.,
That's rich coming from one of the biggest dickheaded fu*kin' brown-nosing WGT flag-waving idiots on here. Feel free to light your pompoms on fire and shove 'em straight up your ass. K? Good..
Oh and have a safe and happy holiday.
Gees man, tell us what you really think!
One thing I will point out, Jim has been here for a long time and has been a huge help to many players including myself with his objective and knowledgeable posts.
Whilst I agree with some of your posts Ded, you are often far from objective nor constructive.
Yes WGT has problems, of which I too am vocal about, but I also try to be constructive as I, like Jim, still love this game.
I am a golfer and have never considered myself a gamer, hence why I am less vocal about flaws and issues like VEM seem like an extension of the real game.
If an alternative came along I would try it as I dislike the apparent greed of WGT.
But name calling really shows a certain amount of immaturity. No need for it and it is quite pathetic, hiding behind a screen abusing others will never acheive anything.
Respect is earned, Jim has done that as far as I am concerned.