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Regarding Cheating

Wed, Jun 17 2015 4:18 PM (96 replies)
  • filmslayer
    2,340 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 10:29 AM

    popcorn , get your popcorn here !!!

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 10:40 AM


    popcorn , get your popcorn here !!!

    WGT's lack of response is disquieting to say the least.  Basically they are saying cheating is acceptable.  Doesn't leave a farm fuzzy feeling does it.


  • filmslayer
    2,340 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 10:46 AM



    popcorn , get your popcorn here !!!

    WGT's lack of response is disquieting to say the least.  Basically they are saying cheating is acceptable.  Doesn't leave a farm fuzzy feeling does it.


    please give me one instance of anything in life where some form of cheating does NOT exists  ?!? why do so many here think that WGT should be any different ????


    tech moves so fast that if they could solve juat one cheat issue another will be in its place within hours ....

  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 10:52 AM

    In general, I agree with you film.. It's like the war on drugs.

    But this was the final four in the VT Championship FFS..  Don't you care at all??

  • filmslayer
    2,340 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 10:55 AM

    me ? 


    no ! i only play for fun and don't really care what anyone else does ... life's too short to worry about things outta my control ....  

    4,019 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 11:06 AM


    People cheat for one simple reason. Money.

    WGT credits can be used to make real world money here.

    You don't really think it has anything to do with anything else do you? As soon as they find out people will pay for credits or they can buy things that can be converted to cash irl, it's open season, especially in a Flash game.

    That's the elephant in the room, btw.  Pay WGT $1.00 for $1.00 or pay some high earning RG player $.50 on the $1.00.

  • lonniescott711
    4,204 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 11:15 AM

    Some players cheat because they feel that WGT is cheating them . Through the VEM / deviation some players feel that they are being cheated by WGT so they cheat  in return to make the game fair for them . Its not all about the money or egos either . So when you take into account the games manipulations its understandable as to why it happens .

  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 11:27 AM


    Some players cheat because they feel that WGT is cheating them . Through the VEM / deviation some players feel that they are being cheated by WGT so they cheat  in return to make the game fair for them . Its not all about the money or egos either . So when you take into account the games manipulations its understandable as to why it happens .

    Again you make no sense at all.

    So you are saying cheating is ok because of vem that happens once every 50-100 shot??


  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 11:34 AM

    WGT is the problem!!...not even the cheaters themselves, cheats are available, why not using them?. As we all know WGT does nothing to stop players from using cheats, whatever their names are, plenty in the net

    I am thinking, why is WGT doing nothing to stop the cheats?, I come to an easy conclusion: WGT is not losing sales!, their main product sales like warm bread no matter how much we complain or do to remark the unfair deal of using cheats.....BALLS!

    Why fixing something that is not, in theory, broken? Sales are great anyways!, why bother trying to change the game (AFTER FLASH) and use lots of time and expensive man hours only to catch cheaters? Cheaters uses balls to play & play every single day in order to win more & more credits, they even use more balls that any normal person here playing for the fun. Honest players use balls to play only for fun and also for credits....credits they lose to cheaters.

    Whatever is called: unfair, unethical, unmoral, etc, cheaters do not care, that are using those cheats like there were using drugs, they are addicted to them because for most of them, earning more credits is simply and addiction, a bloody race to see who earns more & more!!

    I do not know how many times I have said this...WGT needs competition!!!!!

    Any other new online golf game as attractive as WGT would make WGT change their unethical "costumer service". WGt would have to fight to attract costumers...and then cheats would be stopped, immediately.

    I play only for the fun, I never enter RG's or play for credits...why am I so pissed about cheats?, simply because those bloody cheats are reaching all kinds of players at any level and suddenly you face completely lousy players hitting amazingly does bother me to hell.




  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 11:40 AM

    I think Dedbunny is right - it is for money. But to make real money it will either be pocket money or you really need to be very good. I was oblivious for a long time that this was possible, so I guess I was naïve. But then again, I never had, nor do now, had the skill set to do so lol.

    The other thing he said in a different post was this is a gambling site - and the history of the owners, yes it is for many players. Poor payouts but still a gambling website.

    The mixture is a recipe for cheaters, especially on a platform where it seems to be easily manipulated.

    For a long time I did not think cheating was prevalent, but slowly have come to accept that it is. As Filmslayer said, cheats are in all environments so why are we surprised - even if WGT does have systems in place to detect use of programs, it will always be one step behind - that is the nature of the game.

    For a long time I wondered how some players score so well, and so frequently, I can score well but follow it up looking like a hack. My key is to play for fun, I do not run the risk of a multi accounter scamming me for credits, and someone using a cheat will not take my credits.

    I pay for my credits and that is a cost for what I consider a great game (despite many many flaws and greed from WGT).

    Siggi said he had two concerns and I agree - the lack of comment (as usual) from the company is deplorable. The VT playoff was the crowning glory of the season, so to sweep it under the carpet like nothing ever happened is appalling.

    Then the players who defended the supposed CE user - very questionable. But wait it was a public PC which also had Kats Calculator on it.....not quite buying that one - perhaps WGT can verify the IP address.

    A CE installed is there as it has been and will be used (or whoever installed it on the "public computer").

    Then the guy who did not stream but did play seems to have gone from the WGT players list - banned for not streaming?

    The danger is it starts a witch hunt, and those players who are truly great sadly have question marks over them by the community. Every match play lose or round loss is not your fault, but you lost to a cheater.

    Sad times at WGT, but I will continue to play for fun, cheaters do not come into the equation.