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Thu, Dec 18 2014 10:08 AM (2 replies)
  • jnorton22002
    990 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 11:31 AM

    I don't know if this is the right place to post this but will go ahead. Wgt  when will you let me get better>????????  I have been a legend now sine the beginning of this year   I believe. since making legend I started out at an average of i think 82 or 83. since then I have managed to get to 69.27  but my complaint here is after your software allows  me to have a great game i suffer through shitty games for a long time. How can i go from having a great round on one course and then on the same course moments later be over par? Are you trying to punish me because I can't play as often due to my work schedule??? How is it that one golfer who has played 2 years less than me become a legend and inside of 2 months has a better average wise, than me ?  None of this makes sense

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 11:44 AM

    I see nice scores from 29 up, a lot of 32s and 33s. Apparently you're better than me - why do you complain?

    My tip: Take a new POV, enjoy the shots and the views and the company in MP games. These provide fun and recreation, not a silly average which will come down by itself when the time has come.

    Have a good time!!

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Thu, Dec 18 2014 10:08 AM


    How can i go from having a great round on one course and then on the same course moments later be over par? 

    Have you ever wondered why is it that  your shot can be dead on pin on one shot and other times completely off?


    Forgiveness shifts the precision circle left or right (and usually short) depending on how much you mishit and what the forgiveness rating of the club is.  Clubs with lesser forgiveness ratings shift the circle left/right more on mishits.

    This is why (especially on low precision clubs) you can mishit slightly right of the mark and have the ball go left instead.  Mishitting right shifts the circle to the right, but part of the circle is still "leftover" on the left side of the flag, so it has the potential to land there.

    The game is pretty simple. 

    Precision controls your accuracy.

    Imagine it's like a circle that surrounds the flagstick when you aim at it.  The size of that circle is related to the precision rating.  The higher the rating the smaller the circle.

    Your ball can land anywhere in the circle on a dinged shot (left or right, long or short).

     It will ALWAYS land in the circle on a ding shot, though sometimes it may land in the center of the circle and sometimes it may land on the very outer edge or anywhere in between those two points.  When it lands on the outer edge this is what you guys have come to know as "the beast".

    Was the shot pre-programmed? Does it know you're standing on the 17th hole at Kiawah?

    No, it's just unfortunate timing.

    The result you see is the logical spread dictated by the precision rating of the club over 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 shots taken on the site.  No matter how big or small the sample it's amazingly consistent because it is after all only a simple mathematical formula.

    The shot data is spread out amongst all users, so there will be times when you run into a lot of "edge cases" (aka deviations, aka outside edge of the precision circle) and times where you seemingly can't miss the center (even when you mishit).

    This is the ebb and flow of the game and it's always been there.  In the short term you will have "bad" days and "good" days.  In the long term (providing they are using the same clubs) any one player will see the same amount of "edge cases" or "deviations" that the rest of the players do.