ckinfidel: I do not know if this is waLkOfLiFe's scale but it doesn't look like it nor is it helpful inside the wgt game unless as stated, I reset the wgt game to full monitor then played not so much using the scale but as per the lines on the scale.
I'm a little confused as to what you're trying to do. The way I'm thinking is that the ruler is something you calibrate to your own game, much like a PP does for putting and SP does for shot strength. You just have to figure out how to measure wind with it. I'm pretty sure the link I gave you is the one that you see WOL using. I was able to duplicate that exact ruler.
The part that is confusing me is the changing window sizes. If you play in full screen and have that utility on in your toolbar behind the game, hitting the Windows key (next to the ALT left of toolbar) brings that tool bar up without changing your game screen and you click on the ruler. It's then overlaid on your full screen game and you use it however you want.