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CC Communication with members

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Sun, Dec 21 2014 2:35 PM (22 replies)
  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Thu, Dec 18 2014 9:22 AM

    I was wondering what methods are CC owners and Tourney directors using to communicate with their members other than through the Forums?

    Do any of you do wall post?  Send out PM's?  Or do you just cross your fingers and hope the members will visit the forums for tourney notifications?  Maybe some or all of the above?

    It simply doesn't make sense that WGT would put in place "Clashes" but limit the CC's owners ability to communicate with their members?  

    Yes, there's the "send out reminders" option on a tourney, but if the member hasn't changed the e-mail setting in their personal e-mail account, that will go into their "spam" folder ... never to be seen or read.  

    The same is true with owner e-mails.  That message finds its way into the spam folder until your member manually changes it to no longer be spam .. so maybe 30 or 40% of your members never see those. (Oh yeah WGT ... your "the clash is on" message you send to all the CC member's e-mail also finds it's way into most member's spam folders.)


    I'd love to be able to send out PM's to each member letting them know about a tourney that's running.  Even if that feature was available only to the owner, that would be better than WGT's current communication options.

    I have a routine that kind of works ... I wrote a program that loads a member's page and post to that member's wall.  I can add hyperlinks to the message too.  It's just with the issues inherent in WGT's profile pages, you have to watch the slide show as the program races through your member's profile pages and does the wall post.  Sometimes WGT's web page or message box won't load ... and you have to mess around a bit to get it beyond that constant spinning wheel.  

    While it's better than posting to each member's wall by hand, there really has to be a better way.  WGT really needs to rethink their CC communications between the CC owners and directors and the members.

    So, how do the successful CC owners currently handle member communication?

    And, WGT, what is your current plans on improving communication between the CC owners/directors and their members?

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Dec 18 2014 10:40 AM
    It's something that has needed improvement for a long time. I friend all my members but don't have time to message them all so I just encourage them to visit our forum whenever they log in.
  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Thu, Dec 18 2014 11:15 AM

    Thanks for your input Courteney.  The little I do for our small CC takes a lot of time, especially with the wall post letting members know about the tourneys that we're running.  

    Quite frankly, I don't know how you manage a 250 member CC.  I'm just a tourney director and getting members to play is causing me massive hair loss.  lol.  Currently I'm getting about 40% participation. I'd love to get that to at least 65 - 70%.

    Sometimes I wonder if people even know how to find the forum or open a thread.  lol.

    I guess it comes down to one's members and knowing which ones to bring on-board and which ones to take a pass on.  You do an amazing job at that.


  • PTrenter
    438 Posts
    Thu, Dec 18 2014 11:41 AM

    Our CC uses an external forum HERE rather than the WGT one.  Members have to sign up to that before joining the CC.  One of the benefits of this is that you can send out broadcasts to everyone's emails address'.  Out CC boss sends out a couple of updates a week with deetails of the latest comps and other goings on.

    You can even create sub groups to send broadcasts to for example I have an Inter CC Group which I can use to keep all team members up to date. 

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Thu, Dec 18 2014 1:36 PM


    Our CC uses an external forum HERE rather than the WGT one.  Members have to sign up to that before joining the CC.  One of the benefits of this is that you can send out broadcasts to everyone's emails address'.  Out CC boss sends out a couple of updates a week with deetails of the latest comps and other goings on.

    You can even create sub groups to send broadcasts to for example I have an Inter CC Group which I can use to keep all team members up to date. 

    I've thought about a CC Website ... but it's not my CC.  I'm just a director.  I guess it would let an owner know who actually looks at the site that way ... plus you can setup online chat and external links to the game client from inside the website.

    It's just too bad WGT doesn't care enough to give the CC owners the tools necessary to run a CC without the need of adding a separate web page.  Hosting cost $$$$.  It seems like we all give enough of that to WGT where we shouldn't need to go through all the side-stepping to communicate with the members.


  • mightyred
    3,139 Posts
    Thu, Dec 18 2014 2:46 PM

    We are about the same as Courteney, too difficult a task to PM them all, we have a web site of sorts but we find the members who visit the site are the same ones who read the forums. Some use Skype too but others say it affects the gameplay too much.

    The only real answer is for WGT to incorporate something within the game, it must be fairly easy to set up a 'message to all members' facility for owners/directors. Another idea would be to put a box next to 'Menu, Friends and Invites' on the gameplay window, say, in really LOUD letters ' MESSAGE from the BOSS', flashing red..  ; )  They might even read one or two.


  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Thu, Dec 18 2014 3:05 PM

    If wgt can put a message to all club members at the top of the screen when a clash starts then surely they can give us the option to do the same. I even got 1 the other night to inform me WalkofLife was starting his VT twitch round.

  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Thu, Dec 18 2014 3:30 PM

    Mostly we use the ch. forum but we do have a 24/7 chat ch. too. Most  members know each other personally also so one way or another we get the message out. Weve also had some that just vanished.   Merry Christmas Fuzzygazz

  • tigerfan1506
    3,193 Posts
    Thu, Dec 18 2014 8:14 PM

    Hiya Kat :-)

    You know how we do it over here. Club emails, forum posts and there is always a notice on the *club message* like this...

    Hopefully this grabs their attention. For the few we know that usually play *signup* events, that havent signed up, we send them PMs.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Dec 18 2014 8:56 PM
    Some people just log on to the game client and never open any other page. Those people are near on impossible to communicate with.