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R1 Level 98

Tue, Dec 30 2014 10:42 PM (60 replies)
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sun, Dec 28 2014 11:58 PM

    I would also like to see this as a High Credit match between the two players. I thoroughly enjoy the "Put Up or Shut Up' style games. If we can't do the 'credits' thing, how about wager that the loser has to delete their account? LOL

    How about just a Pack o Balls for the winner. Has to be  Live streamed

  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 12:27 AM


    Wow, we got a good one brewing here. If/when this match takes place, will it be Streamed on Twitch? Or even recorded then posted online somewhere?

    I would also like to see this as a High Credit match between the two players. I thoroughly enjoy the "Put Up or Shut Up' style games. If we can't do the 'credits' thing, how about wager that the loser has to delete their account? LOL

    I only wagered this one to shut the other guy up !

    I got fed up listening to: you can win anyone regardless of meter speed!

    I am not going to wager my account on it though!

    Just want to win it an enjoy it ! Credits will be nice too !


  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 2:42 AM


    I would also like to see this as a High Credit match between the two players. I thoroughly enjoy the "Put Up or Shut Up' style games. If we can't do the 'credits' thing, how about wager that the loser has to delete their account? LOL

    How about just a Pack o Balls for the winner. Has to be  Live streamed

    I think it needs a good bett ,I will shut one of us up ! 

    Can only Imagine what the data he needs on his pc ! 

  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 2:49 AM


    I would also like to see this as a High Credit match between the two players. I thoroughly enjoy the "Put Up or Shut Up' style games. If we can't do the 'credits' thing, how about wager that the loser has to delete their account? LOL

    How about just a Pack o Balls for the winner. Has to be  Live streamed

    Do I need any specifics on my pc ?

    I have a password and have no  issues looking a fmagnets!

    I guess I will need it ! 

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 3:27 AM


    tell me Einstein,


    Why would I WASTE credits on balls with alt shot games when I have no chance to win anything? One gets NOTHING out of that. I'm not here to donate $ to WGT. If I feel like spending money, I'll increase my investment in Mannkind where i have a fair chance of seeing return on my money


    Seriously, someone who has earnings of less than $100 in 2 years should not be lecturing people who have earned more than 400,000 credits playing this game


    Albert Einstein - "The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive."

  • derekortt
    682 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 4:25 AM

    working out the kinks in twitch. will try more after I get up this afternoon. Getting a VERY choppy meter. Using comodo dragon browser. Also, if I go to full screen, the stream goes to a white screen.


    Using window capture. Wonder if monitor capture would be better. May give that a quick try

  • derekortt
    682 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 4:38 AM

    above is a 9 hole RG, starting from hole 11 (2 aborted broadcasts prior). Shot a 31 in this one, with a missed 4 footer on 13. Not good, even with the meter issues. Did have a 30 earlier on Merion front 9 that was live, but I stupidly didn't click the allow video on demand option.

    Any suggestions for improving the meter issues via twitch?


    my fiancés's laptop only has 4GB of ram. That is what I stream on. I know the recommendations are 8GB. I am only outputting at 500kbs on the stream

  • DrSlick
    142 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 6:48 AM

    I am not through all the posts from the weekend, but this was my attempt at asking Shoe about tier based vs level based pro shop. 

    I guess I would be called what Jimbog would describe as a "genuine player." I simply do not have time to play a lot these days and mostly play club events that qualify me for club majors. I DO NOT have time to waste on red tee events. I am assuming anyone can see my score history and see I don't play easy conditions - not that I don't think they are fun, but don't have the time to do it - lol. 

    At my pace - getting to L96 will be 1.5 years. I can and most likely will win a few RGs at my skill level with my current equipment. I have pretty good stats at this point, but I am just curious as to the business philosophy behind this level based club house. As much as WGT wants this to be real world golf, limiting equipment appears on the surface to go against real world authenticity. 

    I may have misunderstood Yankee's post, but the "let them lay in the bed they made" is a bit confusing to me. Am I to be penalized because I have decent hand/eye coordination and course management skills? I am guessing I will be a L93 TL playing "real courses and conditions" and I am competitive by nature. 

    Thus, what I was asking Shoe is and wondering, is how many people does WGT lose in this dead zone that would like better equipment and get bored and fade away from the game. It is not whining - it is just questioning the rationale of why a L97 legend should have access to better equipment than a L92 or L93 legend. It gets even worse when you become a L93 TL I would suppose. 

    Enough of the "you can win with your current equipment" stuff though. I understand that I can and people do, I am questioning the business component of this philosophy. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 7:39 AM

    I may have misunderstood Yankee's post, but the "let them lay in the bed they made" is a bit confusing to me.

    This applies to those Legends that raced to get there by taking shortcuts and then once there start complaining about the equipment they can't get instead of buckling down and playing smart. You obviously aren't one of them.

    FWIW, I play AS with and against a level 82 Legend that can absolutely hang with TLs and does. I can see what playing with a lesser driver does to a low level Legend-my approaches are generally 1 club more than I'm used to when I partner up with him. No big deal, if one is a Legend and can't handle 3-4 iron approaches then who's to blame then? WGT because they sell their stuff like they do? I think not and that was the gist of the comment.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 7:44 AM

    I understand that I can and people do, I am questioning the business component of this philosophy. 

    Few things to that IMHO:

    There is an issue with multis on this site, and no way should anything be so early as to encourage that;

    There is also a problem (? how much) with genuine people saying rollox and leaving rather than put up with waiting so long;

    Lastly through programming or plain not seeing wood for trees WGT seem fixated on the levels system even after it starts to look tired - L93 on if you are also a TL.

    Now pragmatically, all above in mind, I would not envisage a good reason to allow the pro shop opened early before a TL has saturated (yep that's 500 RRs currently played as a TL).  After that, and only after that (OK consider dropping the saturation to 400 maybe) and plus 100 more real course RRs and from 90% of the courses with say a not easy, whilst still realistically achievable for many enthusiastic players, average of say 58 then the pro shop gets opened, and you get that new tier (real stats the lot, lol). Nothing hard and fast in that, but ball park discussion type ideas:)

    I think that's win win for all, and even the red tee merchants can paper plane away all day without fear of being made to play away from Beth F9 if they even venture that far to real tees.  But like I said earlier such funky stuff is v doubtful with WGT sticking to the same old same old...same old.