Very busy level 8 friendly club would like some active players to join us. We have a large amount of comps at present, either OPENS and HANDICAPS in club comps, which are league tabled, or matchplay (3 divisions) and Staplefords ran from forum.
We also run a last man standing comp and a multi round league using WGT weeklies.
I have just started our Order of Merit league which all our class 1 comps (and theres lots of them) go toward ranking points.
A new member to club has also set up a very lucrative 10.000 cred tournament which is a great sign that he is very impressed with club, and we members offer sleeves for sponsorship in most tournies.
Very friendly club, with apart from our comps, a great alt shot get together every day.
Contact me for further info if need, but above all, have fun.