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Fri, Jan 9 2015 5:57 PM (29 replies)
  • wayneacampbell
    64 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 11:26 AM

    Being  a relatively new member I have noted ( due to the fact I play in real life) the absence of any Titlist equipment or the # 1 ball on tour the Pro V. When will this situation be addressed?







  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 12:03 PM


    Being  a relatively new member I have noted ( due to the fact I play in real life) the absence of any Titlist equipment or the # 1 ball on tour the Pro V. When will this situation be addressed?







    which situation? that we don't have titleist? if so, that's not up to us but up to them:)



  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 12:37 PM

    Wayne - welcome!

    The most educated guess is that Titleist didn't pony up the sponsor bucks to have their equipment included in the Pro Shop.  Trust me, WGT is not a charity and does nearly nothing for free.  It does, however, offer outstanding graphics and a challenging virtual golf game.

    Good luck and don't take the game too seriously.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 7:03 PM

    I'm not sure it works that way. In fact I think it's the other way around and WGT has to pony up the bucks.

    I suspect that WGT has to pay to license the equipment brands they sell here and that a portion of what WGT charges goes towards or completely covers that use licensing fee.

    I bet Titleist was approached, but declined an association with this virtual online golf game, or asked for more than WGT was willing to pay.

    But since we use virtual golf balls the brand really doesn't matter. I buy the virtual balls that have the WGT performance characteristics I want.  For me those happen to be Nike balls.


  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 7:12 PM


    I'm not sure it works that way. In fact I think it's the other way around and WGT has to pony up the bucks.

    I suspect that WGT has to pay to license the equipment brands they sell here and that a portion of what WGT charges goes towards or completely covers that use licensing fee.

    I bet Titleist was approached, but declined an association with this virtual online golf game, or asked for more than WGT was willing to pay.

    But since we use virtual golf balls the brand really doesn't matter. I buy the virtual balls that have the WGT performance characteristics I want.  For me those happen to be Nike balls.


    It loooks like Nike are paying more than others , and therefore have the best gear !

    I can only imagine that Nike will have the best 3 wood and Putter here soon!

    It will cost them , and not wgt to have the best equipment here.

    We might soon only see 1 company and wgt's max gear here

    Well that is what I think anyhow.

  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 9:04 PM


    I'm not sure it works that way. In fact I think it's the other way around and WGT has to pony up the bucks.

    I suspect that WGT has to pay to license the equipment brands they sell here and that a portion of what WGT charges goes towards or completely covers that use licensing fee.

    I bet Titleist was approached, but declined an association with this virtual online golf game, or asked for more than WGT was willing to pay.

    But since we use virtual golf balls the brand really doesn't matter. I buy the virtual balls that have the WGT performance characteristics I want.  For me those happen to be Nike balls.


      Titleist being one of the oldest, and longest standing golf equipment makers, with a brand that represents quality, integrity, and honestly, probably doesn't want a black eye on the reputation they've worked so hard to build.

     On the other hand you have Nike who's known to practice the slave labor practices of low wages and long hours worked by children overseas in Asia, has a brand  that stands for out sourcing and greed, exactly the opposite of what Titleist stands for.

    Put 2 and 2 together and I think you'll see why we'll never see Titleist gear here at WGT.


  • MWieden
    70 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 9:28 PM

    What other possible stats could anyone want from a ball?

    The range of balls is actually quite extensive if you compare the stats without being brand specific from beginner through to advanced so other than simply the brand name of Titlelist mimicking the stats of higher Nike balls why would WGT bother to enter into a business relationship with them.

    As for the irons/drivers/wedges/putters this again begs the question as to *what benefit will it bring the game?*

    Its pretty clear WGT has a solid relationship with Nike, TaylorMade, Cleveland, Callaway etc and again the stats between the choices in the pro shop from beginner to advanced cover most possibilities so what gap could Titleist fill other than again a brand name.

    Likely it is possible that the current manufacturers are offered some exclusivity with their brand/stats so whether they pay WGT or vice versa who cares thats not really anyone's business other than WGT's.

    There is however a more pressing point which has been raised many times in the forums and that is equipment should be offered at skill based achievements like reaching Legend/TL not commitment achievements like levels. The ability to drop the PW and pick up a 4th wedge would also be nice but maybe more of a pipe dream lol.\

    Anywho my 2 cents :)



  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 9:57 PM



    I'm not sure it works that way. In fact I think it's the other way around and WGT has to pony up the bucks.

    I suspect that WGT has to pay to license the equipment brands they sell here and that a portion of what WGT charges goes towards or completely covers that use licensing fee.

    I bet Titleist was approached, but declined an association with this virtual online golf game, or asked for more than WGT was willing to pay.

    But since we use virtual golf balls the brand really doesn't matter. I buy the virtual balls that have the WGT performance characteristics I want.  For me those happen to be Nike balls.


      Titleist being one of the oldest, and longest standing golf equipment makers, with a brand that represents quality, integrity, and honestly, probably doesn't want a black eye on the reputation they've worked so hard to build.

     On the other hand you have Nike who's known to practice the slave labor practices of low wages and long hours worked by children overseas in Asia, has a brand  that stands for out sourcing and greed, exactly the opposite of what Titleist stands for.

    Put 2 and 2 together and I think you'll see why we'll never see Titleist gear here at WGT.


    BOOOM  !!! well said Ed ! 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 10:03 PM

    I'm not sure it works that way. In fact I think it's the other way around and WGT has to pony up the bucks.

    Don't think so, I agree with Siggi.

    We read a report here of a private conversation with a Brandon official, stating that Brandon wouldn't pay more to get a full 18 produced, and therefore it became a Par3.

    Both sides is only opinion and rumour though.

  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 10:38 PM


    I'm not sure it works that way. In fact I think it's the other way around and WGT has to pony up the bucks.

    Don't think so, I agree with Siggi.

    We read a report here of a private conversation with a Brandon official, stating that Brandon wouldn't pay more to get a full 18 produced, and therefore it became a Par3.

    Both sides is only opinion and rumour though.

    That is why I wrote that companies pay to be here ! 

    Nike are paying more , why I think that Ping did not want to pay more, and therefore had to get a g20 upgraded to g25 . Upgrade the name for less!

    So now we have Nike and Taylor Made left ! 

    Adams is coming up ! 

    I think they will be a new Cobra ! 

    Hope I am so wrong !  big doubt though

    fingers crossed for more new stuff for us 90 + (not better , but different )