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Need more info to evaluate CCs

Thu, Jan 8 2015 6:50 PM (40 replies)
  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Sat, Jan 3 2015 9:37 PM

    Here's a wish for WGT to make more info about all the Country Clubs available to prospective members.

    I've been in and out of a couple of CCs now, disappointed to discover lame tournament activity within the club and/or other characteristics that soured the milk -- but was only able to make that determination AFTER joining the club.

    It would be helpful if WGT would make provision for a better peek at what goes on within a club so that prospective members can make a more informed decision about joining that club.

    This should also include any club rules that, again, aren't usually knowable without joining that club.

    Awkward to go through the process of applying and being accepted, introductions, getting 'friended' by nice club members, and only then discover a rule that one might find disagreeable -- like only club officials being permitted to create an inner-club tournament; or discovering that all the inner-club tournaments are freebies or of such low credit entry fee that even winning a nickel tournament won't net you enough to cover the wear-and-tear value of even the one pricy golf ball used to win it.

    What say ye, WGT?

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Jan 3 2015 9:57 PM
    You're right although it's better than it was. If you go to the country club listings there is a blue dot that when clicked should give you more info, that is of course if the owner can be bothered to use it. Also if you go to the club's page there are 3 options on it's status bar but some clubs don't use that either.
  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Sat, Jan 3 2015 10:06 PM

    Also if you go to the club's page there are 3 options on it's status bar but some clubs don't use that either.

    Is that not only for the members to see CF?

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Jan 3 2015 10:46 PM

    Is that not only for the members to see CF?

    You're right. Only ever looked at my own. Perhaps WGT could make that visible to all.
  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sat, Jan 3 2015 10:50 PM

    Another good tip ... go through the CC's member list and bring up a few of the member's profiles.  Then scan their "Score History".  Check out the games that are shown in green by clicking on the tourney name.

    When you look at the scores on the leaderboard, check to see if it's one of their CC tourneys; then look at the number of players that entered that tourney.  Do this for several of the tourneys listed to give you and idea how many of the games members participate in.

    Many times, just the tourney name will let you know if it's a major tourney or not.  

    There's no way to get the game settings of a tourney (green speeds, wind power, tees used, lies), but you'll be able to see if it's a playing club or merely a social club.


  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Sat, Jan 3 2015 11:06 PM

    It's not that hard to find a good CC. Just ask friends about C Clubs and play a few games with any particular club members of clubs that interest you. Checking profiles and score history says a lot about CC's and members as Kat pointed out.  Good Luck. 

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Jan 3 2015 11:15 PM

    Also check how many members have played in the last month. There was a club I looked at the other day where 150 of their 250 members no longer played.

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Sun, Jan 4 2015 12:17 AM

    Thanks, all, for your thoughtful responses to my proposal to WGT. Some good tips and insights on how to do a little frisking about a CC without first having to join it.

    That said, it shouldn't be a major programming task for WGT to simply make more known about Clubs -- whether they're a bunch of players or more at a social club; their club rules (if any); what stakes and payouts (winner-take-all, top 3, top 10) are common for their inner-club tournaments.

    It's the latter that would interest me most. Some clubs I've breezed through in my quest are almost exclusively nickel-dime tournaments. Call me a mercenary, but I like the prospect of actually gaining a few credits with a good showing. But if the tournament is too cheap to enter, and with under a dozen participating, you can win the thing and still barely cover your entry fee + bank a little toward replacing that $2 golf ball you just degraded by the round of play.

    I guess my biggest discomfort about the present system is quitting a CC after having met and "friended" several nice people. Just feel like such a lummox doing that, but joining the Club was the only way to find out if there was restrictive rules, lame Club tournaments, etc.

    I'm hoping WGT will take all this into consideration as it would be a better situation for the CCs to not have new members fanning the doors coming and going, and for the people who are looking for that pleasant fit of a Club to stick with.

    Good suggestions from you folks re how to ferret out some telling info, but my time to enjoy WGT is limited and I will probably not invest the time to do that much sleuthing.

    Again, it surely wouldn't be that much of a programming tweak on the part of WGT to accommodate a non-member (prospective member) taking a peek in the window.

    A glance at the Club tournament schedule, how many sign-ups, the entry fee and payouts would be very useful intel and I should think would be harmless to that Club for the covert inspection.

    Anyone have an inside channel to any WGT staff in order to direct such a suggestion?

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jan 4 2015 1:03 AM

    Some clubs I've breezed through in my quest are almost exclusively nickel-dime tournaments. Call me a mercenary, but I like the prospect of actually gaining a few credits with a good showing. But if the tournament is too cheap to enter, and with under a dozen participating, you can win the thing and still barely cover your entry fee + bank a little toward replacing that $2 golf ball you just degraded by the round of play.

    It's not mercenary, it's just a POV to the game, differing from mine BTW.

    If you want to get your balls payed through winnings, there must be someone to pay for it, and the rake. I doubt that co-members, friends(?) are meant to be the ones? Me thinks that some gambling is o.k. there as long as the wins and losses are even. Otherways, a CC would have to advertize for some fish to join :(

    A while ago I came across a CC with a name indicating that they were out to collect credits - dunno any details. There may also be high-earning CCs where high stake gaming is common, but there, the competition will be strong.

    That said, IMHO the field to earn credits is RGs, Brackets and Challenge Matches. Take it from anonymous gamblers, and share some nickels with your friends.

    My 2 Pfennig.

    To tell WGT, you might PM a mod or post on their wall - we were told that it might be more effective than posting here.

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Sun, Jan 4 2015 2:38 AM


    That said, IMHO the field to earn credits is RGs, Brackets and Challenge Matches. Take it from anonymous gamblers, and share some nickels with your friends.

    I'm a member of a IRL country club and can attest that the money games are abundant, well attended and not all of them cheap to get into. $10 in the hat is about standard. As a 23 handicapper, I'm no shark on the prowl for easy fish, but I do enjoy the competition and the fact that there is a little skin in it -- that, and some jingle to be won on a good day.

    It's all in good fun and among IRL friends and nobody gets their pectorals in a ringer about getting skinned on a given day.

    On the other hand, sometimes that "get your entry fee back" golden sunshine round feels as good as a hunnert dollar win.  It's that robust action that I'd like to find in a WGT CC.