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Making TL during the Virtual Tour

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jan 9 2015 2:06 AM (5 replies)
  • unclenewy
    334 Posts
    Wed, Jan 7 2015 2:44 PM

    I'm mainly addressing any of the mods here but if anyone can shed some light I would be very grateful.

    The reason for this thread is the farce we had at the finale of last years VT where a number of players tiered up but yet were allowed to play in their original tier come the final tournament. Some of them even stopped playing once they had tiered up seemingly in the knowledge that it would be to their advantage....How they knew this is beyond me, but hey ho.

    Anyway, my point is that I'm more than likely gonna make TL soon (I have .51 to lower and I think that will be enough) and although it will be a proud moment, it will also drastically reduce my chances of being competitive in this years VT against the superstars.

    So I have a bit of a dilemma.....

    Do I carry on as normal, playing certain RG's along with the VT and slowly keep my credits ticking over, but running the risk of tiering up early in the season and then stop playing it, in the hope that I have enough VT earnings to get me into the top 70 Legends in the December finale, as some players did last season?


    Do I forget the RG's for this year and concentrate on just playing a few CC games and both rounds of each months VT all year to keep myself at Legend for the finale (effectively sandbagging)? That's if I make the top 70 of course. Only to find I'm up against a number of new TL's who played the system so as to not have to take on the big boys.

    Bit of a "morality against common sense" one this.......Help!

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Jan 7 2015 6:13 PM

    Do whatever you want to....

    If you want to try and hang around in the legend tier for a year 2 u

    I think it would make for a tedious year personally but......


  • SilverKNite
    79 Posts
    Wed, Jan 7 2015 7:14 PM

    Why stunt yourself - that is like shooting yourself in the foot isn't it - don't mind me i just started playing the game in October and i just play for my own enjoyment of the game doubtful i will ever be anything but average at it and that is still along ways just to get to that lol but really go for whatever suits you - personally - you should advance yourself imo and don't look back questioning what if's - Good Luck with your game 

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Thu, Jan 8 2015 1:25 AM

    So I have a bit of a dilemma.....

    IMHO it's a dilemma that you limit your options to "play the VT Legend finale 2015". Why are you so biased about it?

    Which are your options when you play on as usual?

    As a hint just in case that it's a financial matter: The Legend Championship purse 2014 was 125,000 cr, the participants earned 380 to 23,700 cr, cf. the Winner's list.

  • unclenewy
    334 Posts
    Fri, Jan 9 2015 1:41 AM

    Reading back on my OP I've sort of made it look like I don't want to be TL and I only want to play in the end of season finale.

    I'm not very good at putting down what I have in my head (sawdust and blancmange, usually).

    Firstly.......Don't get me wrong......I want to be a TL as much as anyone, I've even been making a concerted push for it these last few weeks.

    Alosso it is a little bit about finance.....I'm gonna need to hoard as many credits as possible before i join the big boys, as it could be quite a while before I win any more. And that's where the VT comes in.....I did quite well for my standard last season, and proudly made the final comp.

    Andy.....Yeah you're right, it probably will restrict me to just a couple of games per week and be quite boring. I think I'm just gonna keep batting and see what happens.

    SilverKNite, thanks for the comment, I'm sure you'll get a hang of this game like most.....It's not as hard as it looks when you get into it (except putting).......And good luck with the game also.

    To WGT.

    I sincerely hope you have addressed the situation we had last season where players were tiering up and then playing in the lower tiers at the finals and taking all the winnings. It was a despicable farce which stank of rigged TBH!

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Jan 9 2015 2:06 AM

    I certainly did not want to criticise you, and now your goals are clearer. Happy hitting, or waiting... *grins*

    As for tiering in the VT, it's a difficult subject. Looking at the lower tiers, the outcome would be very different if the Championship entries were decided by the current tiers by end of November. Imagine the Pro tier, many Pros advance during the last VT tourney in November, so there would be hardly 70 players left who qualified and stayed Pro long enough. OTOH, the small lower tier purses don't help much when advancing, to the detriment of affected players. Thinking about the year-long VT, this would be increased and happening in many tiers - would that be desirable or just?