Here we go again WGT members. Just tried earning WGT credits by watching Supersonic videos and after watching the videos and refreshing the screen I got zero credits awarded. I attempted this procedure several times and should have been awarded 28 credits total but I actually was awarded ZERO credits. First it's Livegamer screwing us out of credits and now Supersonic Video Ads doing the same. Tell me WGT are you guys trying to run everyone off this site or does someone in your organization think this is satisfactory consumer service and we should all just suck it up and continue supporting your site. This crap is getting very very old. Perhaps a few hours spent on various social networks spreading this good news about WGT might wake your front office up to reality. Additionally, I don't EVEN want to hear your crap about third party system/programs. They are operating on YOUR site and it's YOUR responsibility to ensure YOUR customers are treated FAIRLY and HONESTLY.
Same thing happening to me too. I'm due about 50cr.
Usually those ad viewing credits are awarded immediately, however every once in a while it takes a couple hours. Hopefully we will get them soon.
Mine payed out after 10-15 minutes.. longer than usual but nothing surprising.
So what are we thinking about the livegamer xtra views? Gone the way of the dinosaur? That's gonna hurt me if we don't get those anymore. The "Click and Earn" aren't exactly working right either.
i watched some earlier and also refreshed the screen and no credits, watched a couple more. checked back about an hour later and the credits were there. just got done clicking about 20 or 30 and will find out if i receive these credits in about an other hour.
ok guys i just checked and the credits are there, its just on a delay......
wheres the best place to complaing