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I am a very angry owner of PING Irons G-20 , 83 +

Sat, Jan 24 2015 11:15 AM (12 replies)
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  • readtornot
    1,014 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 4:42 PM

    About 1 year ago i paid $29.95 for a Top Shelf PING Set of Irons ( Steel ) ( L - 83 + ) 

    These clubs served me very well - Until they were made extinct and non existent  by an oversight  within  the WGT  Marketing Dept ...My G - 20's  have been relabeled  as G - 25's. That's  right , like yesterdays old castoff  passwords  my G- 20's are now Generic golf clubs, no different than Starter Clubs  since being made anonymous and relabeled and no longer recognized by the WGT Computers or Servers  -- Whereas the exact same set of clubs sold today for that same price of $29.95  -- but  labeled  as  G - 25's likely play properly at Level 83 +  as my  G - 20's  once did  - but  no  longer  do ----- Not even closely similar. ugh .

    I am  asking  for  no  reply's to  this  post ,  i did not  ask a question , I stated a fact  which  only  a WGT solution  can  remedy ....... I can only  over  suggestions  to  the  WGT .

    1. Refund  my credits .  2. Replace my clubs with an exact similar set of  G - 25's - L - 83 + or  3.  Relabel  my  clubs  as  G - 25 Iron Set ( Steel )  ( L - 83 + )  so  that  I am positive  my  clubs  will  receive  both WGT Computer  &  Server recognition as  top  shelf  gear .

    It is difficult to  believe this  glitch  was  likely  a  mere  oversight , because the integrity of technology  and intricacy  of  this  WGT operation  would never tolerate  such swindling  from  it's  Marketing Department  ... No , This  error  was  the brainchild  of  either a negligent  employee  or  a scam  artist  in  the  Marketing Department ... The End .

    Respectfully  Submitted ;


  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 6:42 PM

    my G- 20's are now Generic golf clubs, no different than Starter Clubs

    I highly doubt this bro got any video proof of your g20 3 iron only going 180 or the pw 90 yrds lol

    only difference is the look between the 2 ( and price increase)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 6:51 PM

    my G- 20's are now Generic golf clubs, no different than Starter Clubs  since being made anonymous and relabeled and no longer recognized by the WGT Computers or Servers

    I know you did not ask for a reply, but this statement is hard to believe.

    Did you change the clubs out and forget to clear the caches? The old G20's will perform exactly as they did when you bought them.

    I agree the G25's are exactly the same clubs but with a higher dollar value attributed to them.

    But no scam, no swindling, but a problem with your cookies.

    Let us know when you get a refund or replacement.....but don't hold your breath.

    4,019 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 7:28 PM


    I am  asking  for  no  reply's to  this  post ,  i did not  ask a question , I stated a fact  which  only  a WGT solution  can  remedy ....... I can only  over  suggestions  to  the  WGT .

    Suuuuuure you wanted a reply.  Why else post it here instead of just going to WGT's CS? FTR, I hope you get some compensation but I don't see how you will.  You bought the clubs knowing full well that WGT is always adding more equip.  Good luck though.  Power to the people!  Woot, woot!

  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 7:52 PM

    I stated a fact  which  only  a WGT solution  can  remedy ....... I can only  over  suggestions  to  the  WGT .


    I can only state facts as well...your score history seems he same over the past 3 months.


  • readtornot
    1,014 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 8:14 PM

    THANK YOU ALL 3 , 

    1. spdemon .....  2. alanti .......  and    3. IRISHPUNK  

    We owners of the above mentioned PING G - 20 Irons Set ( Steel ) ( L - 83 + ) clubs , now apparently obsolete appreciate all of your thoughtful responses .... I did just take it upon myself to check the current price of the relabeled G - 20's to the  G - 25's but found the price to still be similar to what I paid roughly a year ago - at $29.95 .... I  also  do  clear  my  cache  at  least  once  a  day  ,  and  the  cookies  a  bit  less  often  but  thank  you  for  both  of  those  view  points .... My only  real  concern  is  that  we  G - 20  owners  should  be  given a  voice  to  perhaps  have  our  G - 20'S  Relabeled  as  G - 25's  since  both  are  the  exact  same  set  of  clubs  ,  This  would  relieve  my  concerns  over  our  clubs  being  recognized  as  still  being  a  top  or  near  top  shelf  quality  set  of  cobs  by  the  WGT  Servers  and  Computers .... 

    I  am  also  Grateful  to  the  WGT  for  allowing   all  of  us  the  opportunity  to  express  ourselves  openly  but  of  course  respectfully   on  this  very  open  Forum .

    Good day , Cheers ,  and  May  the  Sun  always  be  at  Your Back .


  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 8:28 PM


    THANK YOU ALL 3 , 

    1. spdemon .....  2. alanti .......  and    3. IRISHPUNK  

    We owners of the above mentioned PING G - 20 Irons Set ( Steel ) ( L - 83 + ) clubs , now apparently obsolete appreciate all of your thoughtful responses .... I did just take it upon myself to check the current price of the relabeled G - 20's to the  G - 25's but found the price to still be similar to what I paid roughly a year ago - at $29.95 .... I  also  do  clear  my  cache  at  least  once  a  day  ,  and  the  cookies  a  bit  less  often  but  thank  you  for  both  of  those  view  points .... My only  real  concern  is  that  we  G - 20  owners  should  be  given a  voice  to  perhaps  have  our  G - 20'S  Relabeled  as  G - 25's  since  both  are  the  exact  same  set  of  clubs  ,  This  would  relieve  my  concerns  over  our  clubs  being  recognized  as  still  being  a  top  or  near  top  shelf  quality  set  of  cobs  by  the  WGT  Servers  and  Computers .... 

    I  am  also  Grateful  to  the  WGT  for  allowing   all  of  us  the  opportunity  to  express  ourselves  openly  but  of  course  respectfully   on  this  very  open  Forum .

    Good day , Cheers ,  and  May  the  Sun  always  be  at  Your Back .


    My man...the boat has sailed.


    WGT will discontinue club sets, and a newer generation comes along.


    Your clubs are still working offthe G20 attributes

    Look at it in real life, would Ping relabel your clubs because they offered a new set?




  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 8:41 PM

    1. Refund  my credits .  2. Replace my clubs with an exact similar set of  G - 25's - L - 83 + or  3.  Relabel  my  clubs  as  G - 25 Iron Set ( Steel )  ( L - 83 + )  so  that  I am positive  my  clubs  will  receive  both WGT Computer  &  Server recognition as  top  shelf  gear .

    ROTFL! Daydreaming?

    My G20s work well as usual.

    Therefore, relax. Replace them by other irons in your possession, play a game, put them in place again, clear the caches (browser & flash) and hope to have solved it.

    Then, report a few bad shots in-game (right click...) and hope for the best.

  • JasonBlazer
    2,246 Posts
    Tue, Jan 20 2015 10:41 AM

    " My only  real  concern  is  that  we  G - 20  owners  should  be  given a  voice  to  perhaps  have  our  G - 20'S  Relabeled  as  G - 25's  since  both  are  the  exact  same  set  of  clubs  ,  This  would  relieve  my  concerns  over  our  clubs  being  recognized  as  still  being  a  top  or  near  top  shelf  quality  set  of  cobs  by  the  WGT  Servers  and  Computers .... "


    I have the G-20 Pings, they are fine...who cares what they are called if the clubs perform the same? You can call them G-25's or WD-40's, why would you care?? You still see folks playing Raptors, are they "concerned"?? You make no sense...

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jan 20 2015 12:11 PM

     G - 20  owners  should  be  given a  voice  to  perhaps  have  our  G - 20'S  Relabeled  as  G - 25's  since  both  are  the  exact  same  set  of  clubs  ,  This  would  relieve  my  concerns  over  our  clubs  being  recognized  as  still  being  a  top  or  near  top  shelf  quality  set  of  cobs  by  the  WGT  Servers  and  Computers .... 

    They happen to be the replacements for the G10s and if you have any doubt that they don't perform like the G10s, take a look at TygerJr's profile. He's been playing those since the days I was (made Legend with them) and I play AS with and against him. He can flat out play with those G10s. With the cheap balls, no less.

    See how many Satin 64W's you can find in longer players' bags. (You won't find it in the Pro Shop because it's no longer for sale.) They're all over because it's a great wedge and there's a lot of TLs that still use it in spite of the superior wedges in the Pro Shop. The reason is because it's the same as it was when they bought it. Just like your G20's are.  :-)

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