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4 Masters wanted at my Small & Quiet Club

Sat, Jan 24 2015 12:48 PM (13 replies)
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  • readtornot
    1,014 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 7:23 PM

    Our Group  enjoy  all  Short  Courses , E -Z  Tee Boxes  ,  We  are 3 Legends and 1 Tour Legend  of  varying  skill levels ,  ranging  from  averages  of 56 , 61 , 66 , 67 .  The members from Australia , The Netherlands , and myself the U.S.A.  and the least talented of the 4 ,  we also have 8 other members who are not now and never were active , mainly tour pros and pros , hacks etc. ...... If  you  enjoy  an  active  Tournament  Sheet  of  10  choices of events  to  chose  from , including  mainly 1 round  competitions as well  as  2, 3, and 4 round Events  - i do offer  all 4 categories .... Short Course Tee shots are very dangerous and can lead  to  lost  balls  easily but  also  offer  lower  scores  and  a faster rise in  scoring  average but  do  require skilled  approach  shots , and deadly accurate putting . All events  are  listed  with  similar  settings , may sound boring , but we like it as follows ...

    1. Tee's ................................... E - Z 

    2. Wind .................................... Low 

    3. Lies ...................................... Even 

    4. Green  Speed .......................Fast     No Math to slow us down 

    5. Hole Location .......................Easy     unless  made  Default  by WGT 

    6. Unlimited Play 

    7. Always  Free 

    We enjoy this WGT online sporting activity quietly in inner club  tourney competition in somewhat private fashion with few or no ' live '  alt shot  or  match play rounds and little Forum activity .. Yet i personally feel the need for a few more members who would not necessarily  be an immediate threat  to  our  veterans - ergo - Masters should be a good fit here  and welcomed to join in ... The title of my club is a bit stuffy  and named ............... WGT 4 Polite Sober Adult Men and Women ------  which  I  attempted  to  explain  roughly in my Blog on my  WGT  Profile Page  at length , that's about it .. However; Let me assure all , low scores all possible with E - Z Tees ,  but many of the tee shots  for a greater and closer position to the green are Very Dangerous  and Risky shots  which of course leads to lost balls .... more-so than  courses offering larger , longer tee shots and roomy fairways ... and often the so called ' low winds - are 12 - 14 mph here . 

    Respectfully Submitted 


  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 7:26 PM


  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 8:00 PM


    Oh man, I cannot wait to see the replies in this thread

    +2 lol

  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 8:58 PM


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 9:29 PM


    I am still speechless. I cannot for the life of me figure out where to begin with a reply.

    I'll give it a try...


    4 Masters wanted


    3 dominatrix 


    2 that will look the other way


    and a partridge in a pear tree.



  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 9:40 PM

    He can't be serious..

  • hakman123
    2,119 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 9:51 PM

    Hi Readtornot,

    I have a wonderful darts club that sounds ideal for your group if you would like another outlet for you Polite Sober Adult Men & Women to participate in .....

    We don't like it too tough, so we generally go with the following "in house" rules:-

    1. The Oche is set back 2 ft 6" - reaching the board simplifies throws.

    2. The doubles and triples are the big sections - not those skinny things.

    3. The wall counts as 20 and the floor counts as 25

    4. After more than 4 beers, if you miss, you can pull it out and try again.

    We love the thrill of competition, but don't want anyone to diminish our current chances of winning. So if you are blind, grossly uncoordinated, have shorter arms than 1 ft 6", or lack any knowledge of the decimal numbering system -- you sound like the perfect candidates to join our boisterous group.

    We also enjoy the dangers of sitting, breathing, & classical music - but nothing too risque and discordant like Stravinsky or Aggressive like Rimsky-Korsakov - some of the wonderful solo works by George Brecht are the ideal music for our group.

    You'd be welcome to pop in & check out one of our meetings, but be careful with the door. No slamming, and don't let the breeze in - we might catch a chill.


  • Baldace
    3,255 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 11:54 PM

    Its's a tad early for April Fools Day, surely.

  • readtornot
    1,014 Posts
    Tue, Jan 20 2015 12:12 AM


    He can't be serious..

    HI There ISH47  ,    MBaggese  ,  and   TOPSHELF2010 

    Fellow members and Gentle lady ,  of  course  i'm  serious

    TOPSHELF2010 ,  Your  Profile Page  Motto  reads ... ''  DEMAND PERFORMANCE '' exactly  what i am attempting to do  with  my  golf  clubs ,  in another article referenced by MBaggese and again present  here also in this current article  ... Now  folks  , I'm not writing The Patriot Act , or The Declaration of Independence , yet i feel i made myself fairly clear in both of my occasional letters to our WGT Forum today  and  i'm  happy  if  it  gave  M & Top a laugh or two , humor  is good , laughing is healthy , so i'll  move along anew .

    Miss , Ms , or Mrs TOPSHELF2010 , I felt you  were a woman , a lady , yet i felt compelled to check your '  Appearance '  sure enough , and stunning  as well as a  Highly Admired Level 110  Tour Legend 

    Mr. MBaggese , COSA  NOSTRA  ( motto )  , another Highly Admired 108 Tour Legend.. Yes , You are correct sir , my score has not changed over the last 3 months , my point exactly ....and  therefor  the demand for performance as TOP has stated .   Since the relabeling I  haven't  been able  to  stiff  the  ball  any closer  to  the  pin  than  2 yards  by  enlarge , ( save the 1st at  St. Andrews ) and generally 3 , 4 , 5, 6 , yards and more - They  - my  G-20's  just do not carry  the  same  accuracy  they  once  did  , but hey , i'll keep  trying ... 

    My   regrets to IRISHPUNK , my  sign off  should have read more like May the sun rise up to meet You and the wind be at your back .. not the sun .

    Lastly to TOPSHELF2010 and  MBaggese , you 2 Greats  have  the  very  same  drivers as  another  Great  Tour  Legend ... Gwen77   who  amazed  me  with  one  of  her  Replays  of  a  Double Eagle  from  the  7th  Tee  at  St Andrews -  Directly from Tee to Green on a couple of bounces , rolling  on the green  towards the cup and dropping in for  the  most  spectacular  hole - in - one it's been  my  pleasure  to  witness .... I  just  thought  i'd  share  that  with  you  both  ... Play on .

    READTORNOT ,, a  bit  of  a  goofy  handle  i  chose  never  expecting  to  hang   this  long  ,  now  i'm  stuck  with  it  .  PS  Now i to am curious  of  why  You  two   are  waiting  with  baited  breath  ready  to  burst  out  with  laughter  regarding  the  replies  for  4  Masters ...  I   just   can't   figure   what   error   may  be  present  ,   certainly  hope  i'm  not  over run  with  those  wanting  in  ....???

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jan 20 2015 12:51 AM

    Curious, since you repeated your query:

    Why four, why Masters?

    After seeing that you have members of all tiers: What special profit would Masters take from your red tees offer (a), what profit would you expect from them (b)?

    (a) egobagging support?
    (b) ???

    With all easy tees, you might rather think of breaking up the tourneys by levels to equalize competition of equipment.

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