Totally AGREE im so bored of playing the same course rotation in the bracket tourneys ,that i just don't even look anymore. , same courses, same conditions for a month or more
the course rotation for a tourney needs to change weekly . NO ONE wants to play the same Tourney over & over for a month or more. once ive played a bracket tourney I wont play again till it changes
I also agree that 9 hole bracket tourneys would be nice also , I bet a lot of players are like me & dont always have time to play 18 holes ,,but could get in a 9 hole round / tourney
more tourney options would be great too, seems like all there ever is for Legends is a 100 & 500 tourney , how about 50 , 75 , 200 etc ,,why always just a 100 & 500 ????