Thank you so much for speaking up!
I have been posting and emailing WGT about this and all that
I get are ridiculous excuses as to why it is MY fault. I am using the wrong
browser. I don’t clear my cache. I don’t remember to turn my light to green.
I was even asked to send a screen cap of the problem! How do
you show a screen shot of not receiving invitations or your friends not seeing
In the end I was told to shut up about the issue or I would
be shut down. SO WHAT!
If you can’t get a game with friends why does anyone want to
be here? To play with random players?
I have been here 5 years and the problems NEVER get solved,
only covered up. New courses added. Flags that flap in the wind. Clapping when
you make a birdie. Make the dots on the green bigger and then make them
smaller. Make Cabo and Whistler free to WGT Members.
Everything under the sun but fixing the problems.