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Changing balls during a round

rated by 0 users
Sun, May 12 2013 3:28 AM (8 replies)
  • Leethal
    13 Posts
    Fri, Nov 19 2010 2:03 PM

    Hello, loyal WGT member here.

    It is frustrating when purchased balls "run out" during a round and I am left with starters  Especially when I have other purchased balls in my bag!

    I'm sure everyone will agree, we should be able to equip balls we already own during a round.





  • ty33
    39 Posts
    Fri, Nov 19 2010 2:12 PM

    I agree, but only for the same exact ball for in real golf you cant change out for a different one in the same round

  • Leethal
    13 Posts
    Fri, Nov 19 2010 3:10 PM

    Yes, thank you ty33.

    *Player can only switch to same class balls (different colors should not be excluded).

  • DZumwalt1
    6 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2013 1:43 PM

    I guess the game is flawed,, you can change balls during a round if the ball is damaged,, or worn,, something else you are supposed to be able to change balls in between holes ,, just try that.  The way the game keeps track of putts is wrong,, a putt is only a putt on the green,, not from the fringe. Most times when hitting a hook or a fade, you get a pull or a push.. It is a cool game though,,but it is a Beta program

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2013 9:50 PM

    Most times when hitting a hook or a fade, you get a pull or a push.. It is a cool game though,,but it is a Beta program

    I guess you mean draw and fade. There is no facility to do this on this game, They say it may be added in the future.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2013 11:02 PM

    Most times when hitting a hook or a fade, you get a pull or a push.. It is a cool game though,,but it is a Beta program

    Clicking the Lines before and after the ding is very useful on some of the holes on the courses to cut the corner. Shot has to be aimed correctly though


  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sun, May 12 2013 2:36 AM


    I guess the game is flawed,, you can change balls during a round if the ball is damaged,, or worn,, something else you are supposed to be able to change balls in between holes ,, just try that.

    In real life you can change a ball whenever it becomes damaged but only for one of the same type.  Since on WGT balls never get scuffed or cut the game only changes one when it wears out.  For one of the same type.

    Be happy you have the chance to play on with starter balls, in a real life tournament you'd be disqualified if you ran out of the type of ball you started with.

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Sun, May 12 2013 3:04 AM


    I agree, but only for the same exact ball for in real golf you cant change out for a different one in the same round

    Under the rules of golf, you cannot switch from one ball to another of any kind during a single hole except in certain circumstances, e.g. the ball is lost or damaged. The next ball you put into play on that hole can be any conforming legal golf ball.

    When you start the next hole, you can tee off with a different ball if you wish--any conforming ball.

    It is only under the one ball condition that players must use the same type of ball throughout the round. Then, if a ball is lost or damaged, they have to put another ball into play that is the same type of ball.

    The one ball condition is not an inherent part of the rules of golf, but it may be imposed by the organizers of a specific tournament or the like. WGT imposes the one ball condition, so that is why a lost or damaged (worn out) ball may be replaced only by one of the same type.

    The official list of conforming balls lists balls of the same model but different colors as different balls, so that is why WGT treats them as different balls. A little absurd, but there you have it.

    However, there is no justification under the rules of golf or the one ball condition for treating two balls of the same model and the same color as different balls simply because one of them is a vapor ball and one of them is not. This is because in real golf, conforming balls do not leave vapor trails.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, May 12 2013 3:28 AM

    Excellent post Zag and spot on.

    However, there is no justification under the rules of golf or the one ball condition for treating two balls of the same model and the same color as different balls simply because one of them is a vapor ball and one of them is not.

    And this is so true, show me a real ball that leaves its trail, blow bubbles or floating hearts in its wake - too cartoon golf for me.I suppose to implement coding just for vapor  balls is too much work.