Boat leaves @ 9am......been asleep all day ( long night )
So 2 / 3 hours in me...not even packed yet lmao
Fook it, if I need it I'll buy it, just stuff a pair o dress trousers and a Jacket, nice pair o shoes and trabs...i'm done....she's bin packing and ironing since Tuesday !! lmao wtf ?
All you need is nice clobber for restaurants, fleece for the nights and Done ! ?
Edit:--, She shouting up from the bedroom "Do you want to take a tie ? ".
Like I care..!!!, it's a w'end away, not a G8 summit ;-)0
TBH, my lackadaisical approach to travel does grate on her ( shrug )
I really don't need to be in an airport TWO HOURS b4 the gate opens !!!
Only missed 1 flight in 3 decades by rocking up with 1/2 hour to go.
^^ ( and usually still in a queue of 5 o 6 people )
Good she still gets excited by the little things tho...bodes well in other areas !