It's a start for many other great ideas to have tier based ready-go tournaments. Let's say they started tier based ready-go tournaments. It's all obvious what would happen. Players who win would win credits as well as gain a better score rank, that would eventually cause them to tier up if they aren't legends already. Amateur could be the lowest rank since it rewards 50credits. For instance, amateur tier ready-go would have a smaller entry fee and smaller prize purse. Then pro tier would have a little bit bigger entry free with bigger prize purse than amateur ready-go tournaments. And so on, you get the picture.
I brainstormed this idea after enduring ready-go tournaments where I found myself having to score better than a field of almost all legends. And the legends like ready-go tournaments right now cause it's like stealing from the poor and giving to the rich. This is something Robin Hood would disapprove of.
That has been suggested many times and WGT has always contended that it wouldn't work. There would just be too many ready-go's to manage especially now that there are 7 tiers. And if they did follow your suggestion that would leave the hacks out and I realize that there might not be many hacks that would want to play ready-gos there might be a few.
To make it work if there are too many games going, they could raise the limit to fill a tournament, not call it ready-go and just be a limit to fill tournament, or hire people who would love to see this work like me.
I don't see why hacks would want to have their own ready-go, since they could simply tier up to amateur and don't have credits unless they spend money. Besides if someone was stuck in a score rating of a true hack tier, it would be the most weird leaderboard. I'm also sure if hack had it's own tier ready-go people would abuse it.
Yours truly,