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Fri, Dec 18 2015 1:12 AM (28 replies)
  • cherokeegreen
    32 Posts
    Mon, Feb 2 2015 7:41 AM

    with the high cost's for equip, balls,'d think there'd be a bit more consistency. I mean after 2 1/2 years of playing i know when i hit a quality shot yet its 40 yds off line and in the water.........WTF WGT???

  • ErnieGalletta
    23 Posts
    Mon, Feb 2 2015 12:48 PM

    yes. ready to give up. will not let me get a score.

     i wrote this post a while ago, i don" bother any more. 

  • Crazy3
    107 Posts
    Mon, Feb 2 2015 12:52 PM

    I don't understand  -  for WGT that is consistent.

  • WGTadmin
    1,166 Posts
    Mon, Feb 2 2015 12:56 PM

    To cherokeegreen and Crazy3:

    If you feel that there is something wrong with a shot please make sure that you submit a bug report to our QA department. If problems occur during a match, our in-game reporting tool is the best way to notify us. This report will send specific information about your experience to our developers, who will investigate the problem.

    To submit a report: 

    1. Right-click the screen while the game window is open. 

    2. Select the option "Submit this problem to WGT" on the menu displayed.

    3. Describe the issue you are experiencing in as much detail as possible.



  • Crazy3
    107 Posts
    Mon, Feb 2 2015 12:57 PM

    Oh - and by the way - when you post something negative about WGT, expect the VEM to be cranke up a notch on you...

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Feb 2 2015 2:31 PM

    WGTadmin. I will not bother you with screen shots of my less than perfect shots. You would not have time to take care of any other issues. I will continue to suffer my personal demise and work around it. Sometimes I even make a brilliant shot and I get so excited I forget to save it. I know I did it and that's all good with me. Did I mention that shoe and Icon have a thing going. It seems to be consistent.

  • ErnieGalletta
    23 Posts
    Mon, Feb 9 2015 9:16 AM

    there is no way you can tell me that this game is consistent. 


    but who gives a s....t.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Mon, Feb 9 2015 10:38 AM

    Sure I can, in fact when you learn how too play it you will find that certain holes are consistently inconsistent too, that's how consistent the game is!

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Feb 9 2015 11:09 AM

    I was going to write a new post, but this one works just fine. I have been whacking away for the last 2 weeks trying to get my 500 (ridiculous) ranked rounds as a Legend. I have gone from 23 Top of the line Nike balls (thanks to my generous friends) down to 5. I have only lost one, the rest were worn out, by WGT's calculations. I have seen absolutely no consistency in a single course from round to round. One shot with an 80 wedge will stop dead, next time it will roll out to 85 with full bs. I have had drives go 310 yards with a 22 mph wind in my face and then next hole have it go 278 straight down the fairway with an 18 mph tail wind (even putting a little bs on to get it up). I have one of the best drivers on this game and have been using some of the best balls. With top spin on my driver I used to get a hell of a roll out, now the ball will hit a fairway and stop dead. Either you stopped mowing the grass or it has rained every day and night. Which is it?

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Mon, Feb 9 2015 11:53 AM

    I suffered extremely poor swing meter after purchasing a new pc with windows 8.1. I  tried all the tricks/browsers only to limited success.  Finally took it into the shop, found it was riddled with viruses.  Got it cleaned up, went to maxthion cloud, i now have a near perfect swing meter.

    i have and still do, review all of my shots that seem out of whack with what I thought they shudd have been.  Even so far as to write them down if in a buzy round for review later.

    i have done this since first joining in 2009.  i can state that i have found very few shots that went astray of my figgrin that wasn't the result of bad math, poor reading of wind conditions at the ball landing zone, poor reading of the lay of the land, or simply forgot to figgr in a necessary componate.

    i read here all the time about not understanding the results of a shot that was not what was expected.  I believe if you make a reasonable review of all that you figgrd and what happened it will become more clear as to what actually took place.

    Forgive me if i seem to come off as being superior in my play and a know it all, but my average is only average for the length of time i have been here, and i do learn new things here all the time.  i can only state what i have observed  and believe.  my nickle.