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Fri, Dec 18 2015 1:12 AM (28 replies)
  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Mon, Feb 9 2015 12:31 PM

    I have seen absolutely no consistency in a single course from round to round. One shot with an 80 wedge will stop dead, next time it will roll out to 85 with full bs. I have had drives go 310 yards with a 22 mph wind in my face and then next hole have it go 278 straight down the fairway with an 18 mph tail wind (even putting a little bs on to get it up). I have one of the best drivers on this game and have been using some of the best balls. With top spin on my driver I used to get a hell of a roll out, now the ball will hit a fairway and stop dead.

    Renni!!! Have you been drinking? LMAO
    Could you post a replay of either of those shots because I find both very hard to believe assuming they were struck correctly and landed as you intended!
    I have the same Cleveland wedge you do and nike balls with less spin than you have, I couldn't hit that wedge with full b/s and land on a downslope with a tailwind without the ball backing up much less roll out 5 yrds, in fact it won't even go 80yrds with full b/s without a tailwind or extreme level change...278 w/ a 18mph tailwind with the R1, really!!!! I would have to see that one too...

    Like LeeS said, I can evaluate 99% of my bad shots and find something I did wrong, right down to forgetting some hole are mapped wrong and I forgot about it...

    edit: don't be offended renni, all in good fun from a different perspective..
    I'm not that good, prolly couldn't beat half the people on here in a match, but I remember the same sh!t happening to me at lower levels and thinking the same I got to know the courses better and got better equipment I found that most of that goes this point I know what holes to expect my shot to get jacked with, and what tournaments it is most likely to happen in...
    Now when I see these same complaints I made, I must admit I do get some kind of selfish evil enjoyment out of seeing others go through the same cr@p I did, but most of all it makes me feel better because I know I wasn't just crazy back then...LOL


  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Mon, Feb 9 2015 1:00 PM


    Oh - and by the way - when you post something negative about WGT, expect the VEM to be cranke up a notch on you...

    You can avoid the cranked up VEM. Make and wear a tin foil hat when you play.

    The truth is, WGT does not have enough employees to assign one to read all forum posts so that employee can then target specific forum posters by cranking up a player's VEM.

    Understanding Wind, Precision & Forgiveness

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Feb 9 2015 2:10 PM

    I have decided to have a I Don't give a $hit day. I have played 10 ranked rounds so far today, 8 at SA and 2 at BPB. After the first 2 games this morning I saw the writing on the wall. It would not matter if I walked up and set the ball where I wanted it, it was going to do what it wanted. You all can believe what you want, I have seen some of the craziest crap today in over 2 years. How in the hell do you miss a 0.9 putt for Eagle, it went around the cup and rolled back 2 feet. I barely touched the thing. Posting replays are a total waste, you just  get comments about 5 different camera views and no positive feedback. I have never missed a putt from 0.9. I have never had my 3 iron go 310 yards. Must have hit an ice patch on the fairway.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Feb 9 2015 2:41 PM

    The 500 games can wait, I am out of balls. Just tried RSG, one of my favorite courses. Seeing 3 foot putts go crazy was the last straw. Time for a hiatus. Have fun all.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Feb 9 2015 2:43 PM

    The 500 games can wait, I am out of balls. Just tried RSG, one of my favorite courses. Seeing 3 foot putts go crazy was the last straw. Time for a hiatus. Have fun all. Looks like it's time for a break. I'll keep in touch.

  • Agassi1991
    777 Posts
    Mon, Feb 9 2015 3:08 PM


    First of all I would like to say, that my post is not to insult you. You sound like a nice decent guy.

    But I really don't get it.  You mainly play st. andrew front 9 and beth front 9. These front 9's

    are the most easy cources on WGT and yet you average stroke for these cources are 

    around 32-34. You have play these front 9's many times, so with all due respect you 

    should at least score 28-29-30.

    I will gladly help you, so if you need some advice I am here for you.

    I hope I didn't offended you, it was not my intention. Just trying to help and understand.

    Have a nice day :)


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Feb 9 2015 3:29 PM

    No offense taken at all, I am open for any and all help I can get. I used to be a some what decent player. Lately I can't do anything. Getting old and slow is not fun at all. This is my only free time pleasure. I can play decent in an AS game, I just can't  keep a single stroke game together.



  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Feb 9 2015 3:56 PM

    I'll keep this game open for some R&R when I need it. I can't keep trying to improve when I know I can't. It is surely all me. I have fun here no doubt. I just won't subject my friends to having to partner up with me for an AS when I am so iffy on my shots. It's been a long road for me and I see that I have done all I can expect to do. I'll just keep on keeping on and see what happens. I am really tired of myself and my inability to get any better. Anyone with 1415 CDP should be way better than me. ALL ME.


  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Mon, Feb 9 2015 4:17 PM

    I just won't subject my friends to having to partner up with me for an AS

    Winn 25  ,  I will pard with you any day Sir . 

    iaaR ( R ) V ft

  • Crazy3
    107 Posts
    Tue, Feb 10 2015 4:07 AM

    Here is what I believe after reading several posts on the issue, as well as my own experience.

    I believe that  for some players the VEM is much higher. There are times, when either VEM is turned off, is working for me, but...those times are not very often.

    So, for all of you non believers that them is much more of a factor for some players - good for you - I would suggest that you are one of the lucky ones. For others, if we want to play the game  we have to put up with it. However, I would suggest to those like myself just don't play any games for money/credits unless you feel luck (And then I would suggest that you buy a lottery ticket)

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