Selecting "Country Clubs" in the Community tab shows "CCs searching members by member number" as a default, formerly from top to bottom.
Now, the order has been reversed to bottom-up, showing a bunch of "1/250" CCs on top.
Deselecting "CCs searching members" brings the usual top-down display, and the four further searches are unchanged, top-down.
Can anybody confirm this change?
To WGT: Is this intentional, or is it a new glitch?
If intentional, which use would it have to show CCs without members which probably are "dead"?
Edit: Limiting the search to one country (Germany) results in a totally unsorted display, e.g. 125/250 - 142/250 - 144/250 ... 2/100 ...
BTW: Sorting members of one CC by "date last played" still is disordered. I've been wondering long time how such a simple sort can be messed up! (Date of entry used to work perfectly when it was in display.)