Wow - you're my man when it comes to diggin' deep!
Kelsey12: The issue is that the FIR (and GIR) stat isn't saved until after the entire hole has been completed. So when I hit my tee shot, I'll save it, and when I come back to finish, the game isn't remembering that I already hit the fairway before I saved the game.
This should be easy to confirm...
Enter a clash game, KIA Back nine.
I hit 7 FWs = 100%. 7 check marks are shown in the scorecard:
Due to five game saves, five of them are forgotten, leaving a 2/7 = 29% driving accuracy:
Furtheron, at #12, a missed green is interpreted as a sand save after saving the game
while the GIR stats is not affected (7/9 = 78%, excluding the Par3s).
So you found the clue for the FIR discrepancies while GIRs aren't affected IMHO.
I posted this in-game error message:
"Interrupting the game (save&quit) during a hole will cause oblivion of the FW hit. It will be shown in the scorecard but be excluded from the calculation, wrongly reducing the drive accuracy stats. See forum thread "Fairway percentages...""