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Any Chance of Showing Rolling Player Stats?

rated by 0 users
Sun, Nov 28 2010 8:54 AM (6 replies)
  • DaveHeathcote
    90 Posts
    Mon, Nov 22 2010 11:36 PM

    With the revised 'average' score calculation now being based only on rounds in your current tier, I wondered if something similar could be done with player stats?

    Current stats based on career become very stagnant having completed a reasonable number of rounds, although I have completed far less than many have.

    Any chance of showing at least some stats (driving accuracy, GIR, Putts per hole for example) based on either current tier rounds only or even as a rolling stat based on last 20 rounds or last month or something.

    Would mean stats were more representative of current play and would better support planned/proposed player stats leaderboards.

    Also, any plans to revise the way some of the stats are calculated based on feedback I have read.  I'm thinking making average DTP based on GIR only, similar for putts per hole and also revising putt % from distances to reflect success rate in that range i.e. putts holed in range / total putts in range rather than current rather confusing putts made in range / total putt from any range (which is why even Legends apparently only sink around 50% in 0-5yd range).

  • Todibus
    105 Posts
    Fri, Nov 26 2010 3:42 PM

    I'm with you Dave.  I think a rolling average for all percentile stats would show a player's current ability better and also help us as players see what we could work on to improve scoring.

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Fri, Nov 26 2010 4:11 PM


    Any chance of showing at least some stats (driving accuracy, GIR, Putts per hole for example) based on either current tier rounds only or even as a rolling stat based on last 20 rounds or last month or something.

    Would mean stats were more representative of current play and would better support planned/proposed player stats leaderboards.

    I tend to agree with your suggestion on stats recordation. I for one am a stats type of guy. 

    However, if I may paraphrase a comment by one of the top players in this game; "stats don't do much to improve your "game", its what's learned from your last shot and round"


  • stencil
    455 Posts
    Fri, Nov 26 2010 5:07 PM

    Agreed because my short game used to be AWFUL But now my short game is VERY GOOD but my stats are weighed down from when I first started.

  • DaveHeathcote
    90 Posts
    Sun, Nov 28 2010 3:17 AM

    However, if I may paraphrase a comment by one of the top players in this game; "stats don't do much to improve your "game", its what's learned from your last shot and round"

    Totally agree with OPD, to quote one of many golfism I have picked up over the years, 'it's not how, it's how many'.

    Would be nice though if stats that were given were made more relevant to current ability and not, as mentioned, 'tainted' by early learning experiences.

    Having thought about this more (is that a bit sad???), I think my ideal would be to have career, current level and current month values shown for all average stats e.g. Ave par 3/4/5 score, Driving Acc., GIR, DTP, Putts per green and Ave putts per round (once the putting stats have been sorted out that is).

  • borntobesting
    9,766 Posts
    Sun, Nov 28 2010 4:19 AM

    The way it is now is your career stats and I for one like it like that because it shows if you are really improving or not. If it just showed revised stats in the tier you are in now it could be misleading. (edit) There is one putting stat that is very misleading now and possibly should be changed. That is the average putts per round. Should be 2 separate stats. Average putts per 9 hole round and average putts for 18 hole rounds.It would show where you need to improve as some people putt well for 9 or 10 holes then for what ever reason (loss of concentration maybe) putt like a blind man the final 8 or 9 holes.

  • DaveHeathcote
    90 Posts
    Sun, Nov 28 2010 8:54 AM

    The way it is now is your career stats and I for one like it like that because it shows if you are really improving or not.

    I would argue the opposite, that it can mask the extent of any improvement.  Consider hypothetical situation of someone hitting 60% GIR for 100 rounds, then making step change to 80%. After 100 rounds at 80%, career average will only be 70%, after 300 it will be 75% and even after 900 rounds at 80% average will only be 78% and 1900 80%rounds get you to 79% career (2000 rounds total).  It's surprising how much influence a relatively small number of low average rounds at the start of your career can have.

    Even assuming steady progress from 60% to 80% over 100 rounds then levelling out (rather than step change) you have to get to over 500 career rounds to get to 78% career average and 1000 to get to 79%.