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New RG list

Tue, Feb 17 2015 1:50 PM (17 replies)
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  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sat, Feb 14 2015 10:21 AM

    Running a little late today? The new set is usually up and running at around 6 am San Fran time. Did the person responsible for doing it have a long Friday night and is still sleeping? Hung over? No worries, as long as they eventually show up, otherwise CMC will have nothing to rant about ;-)

  • akash1592
    322 Posts
    Sat, Feb 14 2015 11:29 AM

    is it 14th of every month, that they start a new RG set ??

    i have seen 5 new ctth RG's, but not a single Legend RG ? why ?


  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sat, Feb 14 2015 1:34 PM


    is it 14th of every month, that they start a new RG set ??

    i have seen 5 new ctth RG's, but not a single Legend RG ? why ?


    They used to change them every 3 weeks on Saturdays, but lately it's been 3, 4, or 6, lol. The last ones were obviously set to expire today, cause the ones that closed after midnight PST never reopened. That's how you know the new ones are coming. Thing is, they always put the new ones up sometime between 6 and 6:30 am PST, but today there are none. Is it possible they forgot it?

    Meanwhile, all the old RGs are closing and soon there will be none left to play, lol. Not that I play them match, but there are a few I like, so I always await the change with anticipation.


  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 4:11 AM

    Something happened yesterday morning. Four rg's paid out and never came back up in the list.

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 4:14 AM

    It's all a cunning plan to get people to play in those lonely, unwanted TL-only RGs!!

  • Agassi1991
    777 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 5:26 AM


    It could be!


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 5:34 AM

    I think some one is either elephants trunk or having a giraffe:)

    In all seriousness though please attend, and sort.  Thanks:)

  • TonyPhil
    74 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 5:51 AM

    Yeah It's been like this for a day now... please fix soon :)

  • akash1592
    322 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 10:51 AM

    hmm, so is it just me, or no one can see a Legend Only RG ??

    Congressional, Merion, Bandon and Olympic,    have closed and been paid out too.. no new RG opened after them.

    If WGT is confused, about the list, - here is my suggested list

    According to Jimbogs's image, their are 5 TL RG's which have not been filled in over a week..  and you launch just 4 Legend RG's ( if and when you launch ) ,  worth 600cr.. as compared to 1100 for TL's..  and these RG;s get filled every day. So you know there is a demand. Hence you must launch more.

    My lists suggests 5 RG's , including 1 Uneven Lie's , total worth 1000cr.  Please look . thanks

    Also the 1000cr RG, needs to have tougher conditions.. its crazy, you see, 8 ppl tied on -17 . .  talking about BOF ( low wind, tourney greens ) , .  an avg guy, shooting a 58, barely gets the credits back is tad unrealistic.. isn't it ..

    ** P.S. -  keeping in mind WGT, makes a profit on RG's, what the problem in having more of them, which fill faster too..???


    ~ kash

  • cappiest
    1,346 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 1:40 PM

    this sucks.....fix it


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