Tour masters and below are currently under represented, however all tiers welcome so if you want a fun and active club then come and join NQHP. Loadsa tourneys stroke tier based mp etc. Our own voice server too. For the new year we have a full PGA tour feel free to check out the calender. We are also UK based (call centre in India tho)
PGA tour
In February we have a very busy month ahead for the club. Apart from the usual division games etc. we have below
1-10 Feb CC match vs supreme bluestream
3 Feb PGA ctth round2
5-8 Feb PGA strokeplay round 3 (F9,B9,2x18)
Mid Feb-end Feb CC mini League (We have 2 teams in this )
19-22 Feb PGA stroke play round 3 (F9,B9,2x18)
and check our website too
NQHP website
If this is for you then please goto my profile page and follow the instructions all tiers welcome
cheers thesnakeyes (owner NQHP)