fmagnets:Irked? - of course! About 40% of what Shoe writes is his own personal speculation. Based on the duff info he gave out, the strategically best place to finish was a tie somewhere between 5th and 10th. Playing for a win would clearly have been optimal if Shoe had offered accurate info.
Fair point, which I think I alluded too.. ;)
fmagnets:As for your sleeves, they have long since been recycled to others in need.
Wouldn't have it any other way...wd
fmagnets:Though if you didn't keep excluding me from your 'play for sleeves' challenges, you would win some back no problem
I know that as well as you.....
Think that happened once and had connex probs about a year back when u last offered yourself up as a 'sacrificial lamb' ;-)
fmagnets:But if you ever find yourself in need, you know who to call (hint: not Ghostbusters)!
WGT ? ;-))
Took my post in the spirit it was intended...classy m8 !!