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String tag: null not found (green speed at Pinehurst)

rated by 0 users
Sat, Feb 21 2015 5:58 PM (8 replies)
  • duffputt
    314 Posts
    Thu, Feb 19 2015 5:12 AM

    For information:

    The RG pinehurst Back9 300cr states that green speed is "string tag: null not found".

    Seems like speed is between champ13 and champ14.

    Last green I had 12 feet 0-1 inch up, shot 30% on a 30 feet scale, kissed the lower lip and ran 15 feet by

  • FarFoo
    2,925 Posts
    Thu, Feb 19 2015 6:13 AM

    yes, i had same.


    So not only are some green speeds different to what it says at start ( advertised as v fast and when you get on green it is tourney , for example... seen this mistake regular now)

    When you get on green it now doesn't always tell you what

  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Thu, Feb 19 2015 6:40 AM

    When you get on green it now doesn't always tell you what

    Sort of like the first hole every round in real life huh?

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Thu, Feb 19 2015 7:17 AM


    When you get on green it now doesn't always tell you what

    Sort of like the first hole every round in real life huh?

    No not anything like that. On a real course there is a practice green. Any course that is worth a damn does everything exactly the same to the practice green as it does to the rest of the greens on the course. 

    Most golfers go there prior to the round and have  a few hits around it to get a feel and at least have some idea of the speed. Are all the greens going to be exactly like the practice green or exactly the same out on the, but it would be much closer than whacking a ball 15 feet past the hole. In a paid for credit tourney as well, which is kinda messed up.

    In fact, the course I used to work at, a private one in the north burbs of chicago, used to take a stimp reading every morning after the greens were cut, as well as any other maintenance practices, and that info was passed onto the pro shop, then to the members

  • derekortt
    683 Posts
    Thu, Feb 19 2015 9:18 AM

    it's MUCH faster than Champ 14 that is being played at Cabo


    Maybe Champ 16. Very puttable, however


    I wonder if WGT is trying new speeds for a possible new tier or something?

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Feb 19 2015 12:25 PM

    Green speed is in the description.  Not sure why the null is showing.  But we did put it there for all to see and as a warning.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Sat, Feb 21 2015 8:49 AM


    Green speed is in the description.  Not sure why the null is showing.  But we did put it there for all to see and as a warning.

    - WGTdbloshoe

    This is of little use to those that enter through the game client. For those that do, this particular null speed is actually 14.5.

    To say you are not sure why the null is showing is a little thoughtless. It does not take a genius to see that when you added the new green speeds, most of the category descriptions went out of line with the stimp speed rating by 1 place. So now when the description says Standard, we get Fast 8. When it says Very Fast we get Tournament 11. When it is Championship 14.5 it has pushed off the description scale so says Null. Very easy to fix, but someone actually has to bother to do it!!

  • FarFoo
    2,925 Posts
    Sat, Feb 21 2015 5:17 PM


    Green speed is in the description.  Not sure why the null is showing.  But we did put it there for all to see and as a warning.


    - WGTdbloshoe

    my point was that many descriptions are wrong lately also.

    Green speed in top right corner on game screen is different from description sometimes.


    String:Null is a program error message . rather than it crashing.

  • FarFoo
    2,925 Posts
    Sat, Feb 21 2015 5:58 PM


    . When it says Very Fast we get Tournament 11. When it is Championship 14.5 it has pushed off the description scale so says Null. Very easy to fix,

    Yes, I hadn't made that leap of logic but you are correct.
    Flash returns String:Null when there is nothing there in the Array or wherever the description is held, so the Array index is out of sync.