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fix the meter sweet spot

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Sun, Nov 28 2010 1:17 PM (8 replies)
  • supermex79
    31 Posts
    Sat, Nov 27 2010 6:16 PM

    OMG...comon've made things difficult already....but..again I plea....give us a little more on the meter for the sweetspot...I ve noticed...especially on the greens...I know others have complained in the last few weeks as well!! At least reward our loyalty with this!!! It has gotten ridiculous trying to putt anymore


    pretty please!!!!!!! i cooled down, so I didn't say what i really felt...LOL

  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Sat, Nov 27 2010 6:24 PM


    OMG...comon've made things difficult already....but..again I plea....give us a little more on the meter for the sweetspot...I ve noticed...especially on the greens...I know others have complained in the last few weeks as well!! At least reward our loyalty with this!!! It has gotten ridiculous trying to putt anymore


    pretty please!!!!!!! i cooled down, so I didn't say what i really felt...LOL

    Forgive me if I misunderstood you but if you keep missing the ding on the late side - you could buy your self some feel balls or use the begginers putter. If its constant meter glitches then try some of the suggestions mentioned over there in system requirements -------->

  • supermex79
    31 Posts
    Sun, Nov 28 2010 8:15 AM

    I dont have far as putter..I use the starter putter..I will try the beg..putter..Ive just noticed as I have posted before how the sweet spot on the meter is less forgiving in the last month....others have told me the same thing....Ive tried the "better" feel balls which do help "very" little...but then again..Iam not going to buy a 95 credit sleeve of balls...I ve tried more expensive balls with my new driver to slow down the meter...didn't help much either...I went back to my old driver with tour balls...those work rather well and don't cost as much...So, meter runs smooth except that I have great reflexes and now iam struggling to hit that sweet spot as consistantly as I used to. ....Thanks again

  • nickuk
    967 Posts
    Sun, Nov 28 2010 8:25 AM

    give us an inch....give the best a foot....cant be done!!! (with toes)

  • Larter
    7 Posts
    Sun, Nov 28 2010 9:48 AM

    I fully agree. I have really been struggling for last couple of weeks and thought it was just me. have never accessed/ read this section until today .  Now I see it is not just me and I use a :Redwood Putter". Who do we speak to to get a bit of  adjustment tp sweet spot when putting.?????

  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Sun, Nov 28 2010 1:06 PM


    I fully agree. I have really been struggling for last couple of weeks and thought it was just me. have never accessed/ read this section until today .  Now I see it is not just me and I use a :Redwood Putter". Who do we speak to to get a bit of  adjustment tp sweet spot when putting.?????

    I use the exact same putter and haven't been having any such problems with it - in fact I am putting much better than ever... I am kinda confused - are you guys noticing something different with the meter itself or the way the ball reacts?

  • Larter
    7 Posts
    Sun, Nov 28 2010 1:17 PM

    It is not the brand of putter or the puttee.

    The "sweet spot"  or call it "error factor" when using a putter is so "FINE"  there  is no room for error.

    A -  1 or 2 degree forgiveness in the swing meter for putting use would seem to make the putting more realstic/fair. That is my opinion - and I am sticking to it - even though I don't expect anything will happen.

  • happyman123uk
    1,242 Posts
    Sun, Nov 28 2010 2:34 PM

    I am sorry but I don't think WGT can do much about it, to me its like getting a kick in snooker we know why but we can't stop it.Its part of the game and we have to live with it.Sorry for once I don't think it's WGT fault.

  • mrshazam
    126 Posts
    Sun, Nov 28 2010 2:52 PM

    I have addressed the absolute Funkiness I've witnessed at this sight...So,,just  for the sake of re-enforcing my points...Why would I want to throw my $$$ away in a challenge match after repeated abuse...For one single US dollar I decided to play a challenge...

    Played a tour Master and lost on the eight hole,,,two down,,stayed with the guy the whole round ,,, but lost one hole on a meter jump,,,lost the 2nd hole,,,by missing a 6 inch putt...

    Enough Said,,,its a toss up,,,who do I respect more,the neighborhood pimp,,,or WGT?