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Smooth Meter

Fri, Mar 6 2015 2:08 PM (36 replies)
  • AdamVerrill
    94 Posts
    Thu, Feb 26 2015 5:12 AM

    So i check the game this morning and its the smoothest meter i have ever seen, way better than it was even before the update.  So you mean to tell me that me and countless other players have complained that the meter is choppy and you always email us with BS things to try to fix it and BAM you fix it overnight?  You guys are money hungry scam artists is all you are.  


  • ScottHope
    10,584 Posts
    Thu, Feb 26 2015 5:17 AM

    I have a theory, probably bonkers, but here it is.  Meter is sooo bad that very many players stop playing for a while, those who are willing to give it another go, find the meter very smooth because there are so few players online. Now shoot me down, hehe.   : )

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Feb 26 2015 5:22 AM

    I have a theory, probably bonkers,

    You're right. Bonkers.  LOL

  • AdamVerrill
    94 Posts
    Thu, Feb 26 2015 5:22 AM


    I have a theory, probably bonkers, but here it is.  Meter is sooo bad that very many players stop playing for a while, those who are willing to give it another go, find the meter very smooth because there are so few players online. Now shoot me down, hehe.   : )


    lol, yeah have to disagree because i tried it like 6pm yesterday when everybody should have quit the game the meter was so bad and it was still awful.  The other reason i disagree is because the meter seems different and so does the flight of the ball and the overall game play.  They tweaked some things, just amusing to me how they used to always say the meter issues were always on our side, never on theirs and they flip a switch and everybodys meter is perfect.



  • ScottHope
    10,584 Posts
    Thu, Feb 26 2015 5:37 AM

    Yep, there is something different about the graphics of the meter when you ding it and get the 'excellent' response. But I'll retract my theory in a weeks time if it's still good 'n' smooth then.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Feb 26 2015 6:28 AM

    Why does my first response keep disappearing? I said you were right about being bonkers.  LOL

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Thu, Feb 26 2015 6:35 AM

    Why does my first response keep disappearing?

    It quotes Ok Jim


    I have a theory, probably bonkers,

    You're right. Bonkers.  LOL

  • Jresh0817
    1,414 Posts
    Thu, Feb 26 2015 6:50 AM

    Hearing a lot of POSITIVE feedback this am that the meter is better then ever!!! Please WGT leave this alone and keep it this way!!!

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Thu, Feb 26 2015 6:50 AM

    Looks like this on my screen -

    ...and agreed,bonkers.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Feb 26 2015 7:32 AM

    It's gotta be Scott. He knows stuff and how to do things. :-D