When you click the "quit country club" button you get a pop up banner and cannot procede.
It's our new way of keeping a hold on you :)
jb6000: It's our new way of keeping a hold on you :)
may be some truth to that! Hey WGTsomebody I know you guys have an answer, what gives? This will spawn multi-accounts for sure if not fixed.
For the longest time members were accidentally hitting that button and there was no warning-you were out. Maybe WGT is trying to fix that and just blew the popup.
The button must work fine in our cc. We've had over 100 quit in the last couple of weeks.
Try a different browser.
nolongerlonger: Try a different browser. David
tried that, not the browser I guess. frustrating
This is what they have done
TracyMax:may be some truth to that! Hey WGTsomebody I know you guys have an answer, what gives? This will spawn multi-accounts for sure if not fixed.
WHAT are you on about ???
Def something in the water today !!!
that's a good one! Always a smart elec when you try to ask questions on this forum. Grow up!