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So now we know, if we didn't already

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Tue, Mar 3 2015 2:10 PM (105 replies)
  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Fri, Feb 27 2015 4:05 AM

    WGT has direct and absolute control over all features of how our game performs, given that we have a compatible machine and software set-up.

    Without going into details it seems that a variety of Flash and browser combinations will work  better or worse.

    That is why for years u have people touting this browser and that browser when really what it's all about is finding the right combination.

  • ithurtswnipee
    891 Posts
    Fri, Feb 27 2015 5:57 AM

    I agree with the right combination.

    However more importantly they have been able to fix this for over the three year period I have been reading back about the exact same problems that people rightfully are complaining about today.

    They made a conscious choice NOT TO DO IT!

    People that complained the most are now actually thanking them for doing what they should have done three years ago.

    Apparently forgetting and forgiving the lost balls, and WTF shots causing lost money in matches for credits that have cost some of them thousands of dollars in stolen revenue over that time period.

    "Yeah, we could have fixed it, but we decided we needed to keep the forums busy and our income stream continuous".

    These people are insane.

    WGT>> Whack! Thank you,can I have another. Whack! Thank you, can I have another.




  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Feb 27 2015 6:30 AM

    WGT has direct and absolute control over all features of how our game performs, given that we have a compatible machine and software set-up

    Just to be clear, a feature does not include the ability to manipulate a game in progress like many would like to think.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Feb 27 2015 6:52 AM
    My PC's ability to play this game is affected by my choice of browser and the type of Flash and even whether I clear my caches or not. WGT can't alter those settings.
  • ithurtswnipee
    891 Posts
    Sat, Feb 28 2015 7:49 PM

    I don't believe anyone mention in game manipulation at all.

    Just more misdirection on your part.

    They just admitted to having all the problems on their end out of condemnation of numerous players continuing to take your feeble advice of clearing this, that, and the other thing, to fix a problem that was created in house for maximising profits.

    You know. You have been echoing their useless fixes for years.

    People started walking.

    Revenues started dropping. What is it you would offer to your potential kitchen customers to keep your revenue stream ongoing? 20% off granite? Free all plywood cabinets?

    As a business facing lost revenue, I would think anything to keep, or reach new potential customers. Business 101.

    They are a business. They are not a charity. They went too far. Some businesses do.

    One can only wonder what some dedicated misdirected information from some is rewarded with.

    A full admission on their part that they can fix a messed up meter and you both are still pontificating that it is still on the onus of the user. 

    Give it up already. People can read, and some can actually comprehend what is being said for what it is.

    You two are laughable in the way you held their banner in the face of adversity. However you have been blown off the edge of your envelopes with the admission that they can, and did fix meter problems for a host of the people you both told everything was their computers fault.

    Is it the first or fifteenth of the month you both receive your gratuities?



  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sat, Feb 28 2015 8:23 PM

    I found a browser that works for me . I clean my windows and take out the trash . And when the game acts funny I run a " Diskclean " on my PC .   Then I have a nice cup of Decaff coffee and enjoy the game .


  • tigerfan1506
    3,193 Posts
    Sat, Feb 28 2015 8:32 PM

    WGTAdmin2 ADMITTED it.

    When the meter was going crazy for everyone, he said we are changing some flash settings on our end to smooth out everyone's meter.

    Could not be more clear. 

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, Feb 28 2015 9:40 PM


    WGTAdmin2 ADMITTED it.

    When the meter was going crazy for everyone, he said we are changing some flash settings on our end to smooth out everyone's meter.

    Could not be more clear. 

    Changing how it was displayed...which used TOOO many resources which overworked the processor which made it choppy and unplayable along with it was not compatable with some flash versions....he didn't say it was to smooth out the meter...


  • SamanthaWho
    3,403 Posts
    Sat, Feb 28 2015 10:03 PM



    WGTAdmin2 ADMITTED it.

    When the meter was going crazy for everyone, he said we are changing some flash settings on our end to smooth out everyone's meter.

    Could not be more clear. 

    Changing how it was displayed...which used TOOO many resources which overworked the processor which made it choppy and unplayable along with it was not compatable with some flash versions....he didn't say it was to smooth out the meter...


    And yet it smoothed out EVERYONE'S meter....go figure.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Feb 28 2015 10:09 PM

    And yet it smoothed out EVERYONE'S meter....go figure.

    How do you know that? Some people have smooth meters all of the time.