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Started a new country club/inviting new member... errors

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Mon, Mar 2 2015 11:19 AM (0 replies)
  • FatGuyInFairway
    2 Posts
    Mon, Mar 2 2015 11:19 AM

    So I started a new country club. 

    the setup of that went without a hitch. 

    The problem comes in when you are inviting new members to join (aka some of my real life friends we were texting back and forth trying to figure things out).

    1. When you invite players they get no notification they were invited... yes they checked email/spam etc. 

    2. when they request to be a member of the CC... you are not notified....

    3. if you are logged onto the site and they request you have no idea that they requested until you log out and shut down your browser then reconnect. then you see their requests under invites and approve them... 

    4. once approved they are recruits.. .being my friends I wanted to change them to "members"... so you click on the three dots out to the side and select "member" and a pop-up comes up... and ask to confirm you click ok/yes and then another box comes up stating there was an error... you have to close out again and start browser over and over... and finally the bottom player will change to member... then the next player you have to do this over and over again with to get his membership to change.... 


    i did this with Chrome on macosx... and with IE on win 7 pro. 

    I was a professional web developer for 15 years.... so it was not user error. I assume there is some short circuit in the ajax/db connection and updating the screen data... but then again yall are using ASP .net and i was a Opensource/linux developer

    good luck , I hope this helps whomever does the development and or if others have the same issues...