Before this thread gets old and forgotten---I have a Maxthon question somewhat along this line. When i turn on the cpu monitor it only and always shows 0%----have looked everywhere for an answer to this---but i think WGT might have the widest and most knowledgeable base of Maxthon users--ty in advance for any help
Not sure I should stick my oar in here but...
I find the pop-out in Max to be annoying, although at half past midnight I can't remember why and I can't be arsed firing it up to remember, but I find F11 works perfectly...
JaRTennBogey: Before this thread gets old and forgotten---I have a Maxthon question somewhat along this line. When i turn on the cpu monitor it only and always shows 0%----have looked everywhere for an answer to this---but i think WGT might have the widest and most knowledgeable base of Maxthon users--ty in advance for any help
Do you have a check mark beside your CPU usage icon
F11 is fine but I like to have the taskbar showing so that's why I use the pop-out.
Thanks Andy for this thread as I have now discovered version with AdBlock Plus
Fookin Woo Hoo
oneeyedjohn: I have now discovered version with AdBlock Plus Fookin Woo Hoo
I have now discovered version with AdBlock Plus
Happy days :))
Yes---check mark is there---but no CPU usage showing