Just for the record, I chose my own words. You chose a scholar's words with which you have no connective comparison with. Somehow they were pertinent over there then. However not here now.
I chose the word adapt to help those who have painstakingly taken notes that are no longer any good. The constent begging and whining and demanding that the "dots" and "rough" be turned back to facilitate you people, the minority in here is a complete show of inflated ego's.
Condescending demonstrative behavior at it's best. Good job.
mkg335: I encountered this kind of inflated ego more than a few times
You've never encountered anyone in my field. I have no doubt in my mind you have seen plenty of clinical psychologists. A group of which I am not associated with in any fashion.
"I paid and put all this time in and I want my Efin dots back". Monumental ego. However he is part of your psychotic bunch thus is not seen as having an inflated ego because you think alike. Look at what you wrote above and compare that with what I wrote. Don't project your shortcomings towards me. Be responsive to change. :-) Your words keep resonating in here.
You chose to throw it in my face after writing the very same thing about whining about the new rough conditions.
You only called yourself out on this one, and most likely many more with a caustic attitude such as yours. No worries mate, their on your side and will not see the truth in this. Just rally the troops. Yee haw. Insert horse noises here>
I also left an answer to another thread basically thanking WGT for their recent efforts towards doing what they chose to do to help the game. Others are not as agreeable, which is only understandable that different people have different opinions. However they are respectful with their difference of opinions, not derogatory like most in here.
I do not see a single one of the people in here that will use several pages to attack me saying one simple congratulatory statement to WGT for making the game playable on the other thread. Just can't muster up the least bit of niceness towards progress at all behind a congratulatory statement?
Some admitting it took a browser change to fix their problems that they were dead certain with the group mentality, that it is all caused by WGT and some cynical plan to make you all quit.
They have a plan. You're not part of it, will not make a difference to it, and will never change it.
I suggest you look into the big blue void you put up there and try not to choke on your own words.
Most of you don't care for military types such as myself. That's to bad, and we care much less for your types. We are the ones that give ourselves, and me personally, two sons to give you and the puddle scum the right to attack me from your warm hovels hiding behind a computer screen with the bully bunch.
Knock yourselves out. I am enjoying the fact one statement I write can bring out the childish attitudes of having your toys taken away.
Alone you would go unnoticed and be as marginalised as you marginalise everything in your life. Which exists primarily in here by the looks of it.
Stay warm in your blanket of condescending adolescent behavior with all the others. You will not receive from me what you so sadly and pathetically are trying to get.
Salt may make those words taste better.