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Tier Advancement

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Mon, Mar 9 2015 3:30 PM (2 replies)
  • xlviii
    502 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 8:20 PM

    I have read in a few places that you need 30 ranked rounds to go from Tour Pro to Master, but I discovered that my be incorrect. Entering my 27th ranked round, I had an average of 69.36. I went out and shot a 35 (essentially a 70 for average purposes) and expected my average to go up. Except it actually went down to a 69.2.

    In playing around with my scores, I realized that if I took the top 25 scores, my average would be correct (both the 69.36 and 69.2 averages). So, I have no idea if it only takes 25 rounds instead of 30 to advance to Master, but I can say that my average is being calculated with my top 25 scores.

    P.S. - I'm not sure if I'm still on moderation or not, so I don't know when this will post and if I'll be able to reply in a reasonable time. Can I please be removed from moderation WGT?

  • WGTadmin
    1,166 Posts
    Mon, Mar 9 2015 11:38 AM

    We use an algorithm to determine when a player is eligible to move to a new tier as well as computing the average, which takes into account a number of factors including number of ranked games played.  These numbers scale by tier, so it's necessary to shoot a lower average to advance and to play more games to reach higher tiers.  For example, when you reach Tour Master, you will need to play a larger number of ranked rounds than you had as a Master, maintaining a low average, to tier up to Legend.

    Additionally, in response to WGT player feedback about sandbagging (misrepresenting one's true ability to gain advantage by playing at a lower tier from closer tee boxes), WGT is using more than just ranked stroke play scores to determine each player's average score and appropriate tier ranking.

    For obvious reasons, WGT is not sharing exact details of these changes, but they include factoring in scores from players who perform well in tournaments and challenge games for credits. We still encourage the community's feedback on Sandbagging, but believe this is an important step to reducing the practice and keeping the game fair.

    Finally, most of our top players have posted close estimates for players to try to gauge their progress in advancing tiers. Here is a good thread to read:



  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Mar 9 2015 3:30 PM

    (TP tier)

    I can say that my average is being calculated with my top 25 scores.

    This is my knowledge, too.

    Wrong numbers have appeared and re-appear regularily - they are indelible.