shovlovin:defending champions
Congrats (FWIW). Probably should say as defending "most passes bought champions".
Not being critical of you or WGTAMIGOS, but common knowledge is that $$$ wins (in the Clash case....nothing, well, a single putter).
By stating you/your CC won't be playing spending $$$, you send a better message.
This Clash thing could/would be more accepted and have more participation IF the rewards weren't so silly and useless.
Make the CC bank work, and pay out (into the CC bank) as if it were a normal tourney.
1st place wins xxxx amount of creds for their CC, and so on. Oh order for the bank to be operable, someone would have to do some tweaking/fixing/adding/hotfixing, thus causing something else to become completely screwed up.
The lack of incentives/rewards to CC's and players is astounding in this Clash thing.
On the other hand, the game is playing very well as of late. I'm not playing very well, but the game, meter, dots seem normal.