Angeltotti20: You have played a total of 144 RR (wow!), around 100 at STA probably. Jake has over 3000 RR, and has been here longer than me. That's why i do respect his opinion,
Exactly, I've not been a member long, or play for over 8 hours a day like yourself, but given the scores i've been acheiving in the timescale so far, in a few more months i should be up there with the best scorewise, and when i am i might even let you carry my clubs.
And who gives a f@ck where i play my rounds (you must be such a sad "manicorn" or pr@ck that it bothers you that i play at St. Andrews..get a life mr weedy features(or even a girlfriend..if you ever would looking like that???). If Oakmont was playable in ready go's it would be there i'd play my daily round.
Angeltotti20: i'm sorry to say i don't speak Klingon yet.
That was WELSH, the only way i could vent my anger without censorship! But at least i know my identity,but you must be insecure or something as you were american last week, now your spanish!
So everyone else i appologize for my behaviour, but this scrawny git is always trying to put me down in forums, no respect for older people or his peers.Thinks he's some sort of golf genius who can belittle players who arn't as addicted as he is. Everyone else shows RESPECT whoever you are.