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What WGT doesn't want us to know

Sun, Sep 16 2012 7:02 PM (71 replies)
  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Mon, Dec 6 2010 2:01 PM


    Only Sky icon and WGTadmin can lock a thread Jake you should know that by now.  

    Actually you can lock a thread but you have to do it in your first post.  :-)

    And there is a time limit to it too...

  • Danowadd
    72 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 5:46 AM

     Jake--I'm a low- level guy ( L 88 ) who was thrust into Legend Tier one day in Sept- 2010.  Lmao!!  How things changed  for ALL tiers is part of the  "Beta format " ..

    I believe "Beta" means a testing and improvement stage of a games developement till it's deemed acceptable for release as a full version in the future. Glitches--VEM's - erratic issues we all face are part of WGT's way of improving a really great golf site.

    This games Forum was designed to address the issues we face and give the geeks (sorry) who program it time to make the desired changes.

     I feel this is by far the most realistic golf site we can play online. 

    Jake--you are an outstanding player already here....I've checked yer stats and score history. WOW!

    IF I payed to enter a tournament,I'd damn sure finish and not drop out because of a few lousy holes bit me.:>)  By speaking out-- you have vented your anger ..

    When I get a few thousand rounds in, I hope Im HALF as consistent as you are..

    Hit em straight... Dano

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 7:07 AM

    LOL, dragging up a meter rant from the Jakester, priceless. JB

  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 7:20 AM

    I must admit, I just read this forum from start to finish before realizing it was several years old. Still meter problems, still in beta, deviation and vem.................................... I was not here when this post started but it does not seem things have  not change a great deal. I don't like to complain because most of the time it does no good. With all the problems with the game, it is still a lot of fun (sometimes). Until something better comes alone, its like the young people say (it is what it is). Happy Golfing.

  • giantfan5611
    135 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 6:51 PM

    I've gotten pissed and withdrawn from more rounds than I can count because of the same problems you mentioned!

    and thank you for validating my complaints! I'm tired of being called a whiner for making legit beefs about the glitches on this site . 

    There is obviously a legit problem when so many people have been starting to complain about the same things!

    After all...we didn't all suddenly forget how to play the damned game.

  • pjctas0822
    4,614 Posts
    Fri, Aug 24 2012 4:46 AM


    I've gotten pissed and withdrawn from more rounds than I can count because of the same problems you mentioned!

    and thank you for validating my complaints! I'm tired of being called a whiner for making legit beefs about the glitches on this site . 

    There is obviously a legit problem when so many people have been starting to complain about the same things!

    After all...we didn't all suddenly forget how to play the damned game.

    Amen. Guess I still need to practice so my dinged shots hook a little more LOL.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2012 8:19 PM

    I must admit, I just read this forum from start to finish before realizing it was several years old. Still meter problems, still in beta, deviation and vem.

    You can go back to 2009 when I started and see almost exactly the same complaints you see today. :-)

    8 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 7:25 AM

    My post was off topic. I can post questions unrelated to this thread in another thread or I can start my own.