I recently changed computers and got windows 8, i am having major problems with the meter on this now. I recently updated the flash player but to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me fix this.
GirnBlanston: I recently changed computers and got windows 8, i am having major problems with the meter on this now. I recently updated the flash player but to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me fix this.
might find something here
Get rid of windows 8
windows 8 is the new vista get shut
JafferCushion: Get rid of windows 8
If you only knew what you were talking about, you might be taken seriously.
Install the Stardock Start8 plugin for Windows8 for $5.
And dont play WGT in the Windows 8 Hollywood Squares
mode, only in Windows 8 Desktop mode.
If you are playing on chrome, try this...go to chrome:plugins and check to see what flash player is enabled. If the one enabled has pepper flash in it there is a good chance that is your problem...I have found that any flash player with pepper flash in it raises cain with meter...
Have you tried bare-boning your new comp?
Probably has a shed load of crap you dont need running in the background.
Have a look at blackviper.com and be sure to get C cleaner works like a charm for me.