alcaucin: Bit of a joke my earlier post BUT, botanists with greater minds than you or I can not agree..
Well, there you go, Andy. I am just a lowly ScD in Comp Sci and all things computer, what the fook do I know about Botany. I missed those classes at MIT. Go figure. What was I thinking when choosing electives? LOL
What branch of Nerds study botany anyway? Isn't that right up there alongside Phys Ed and Liberal Arts majors?
Who mentioned a 5-leaf clover? If I did, I must have been smokin' my crack pipe again...I dunno. I can't remember...
See, if I knew how to Google, I would probably know the answer to the 5-leaf clover conundrum. No doubt it would direct me to a Wiki page full of requests for more information, as their's is mostly flawed .
I'm so glad Mr. JBog piped in, as well. He's a man that knows how to Google. You go, Jim.
BTW - Andy, I think I did answer Alosso's question, did I not (rhetorical); hence the reference to the 4-leaf clover.
Class dismissed.
Back to trolling the forums..see ya soon.