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APAB: Great Club, Great Fun!

rated by 0 users
Sun, Mar 22 2015 5:58 AM (0 replies)
  • StarBoyz
    90 Posts
    Sun, Mar 22 2015 5:58 AM

    SUP WGT golfers!


    APAB looking for good stable players to join in the fun at the APAB Country Club. We are a TeamSpeak 3 based club in our communications and is one of  the only requirements, besides a good attitude, we ask of our new members. I personally have been in a couple of prior clubs before and I know how a great club operates.

    APAB has everything going for helping you have and enjoy a great WGT experience. Check us out…if interested you can add me, StarBoyz,  xbritewood, or Searay27, send us a message and we can answer any and all questions you may have and help you in making the right choice.

    Hey, bottom line here is you only go around the WGT experience once…why not do it with a club that is fun and exciting, do it with APAB!

